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要 面对入世后外资银行的进入和金融改革深化的双重挑战,我国银行业的未来 竞争将是一项极具综合性、挑战性的系统工程。如何建立一种竞争战略架构,指 导银行培育竞争力的活动,使其不断开发新的功能、获得新的核心能力、提升现 有的竞争力,就显得尤为重要。当前国内外银行竞争战略管理的相关实践,对县 级支行经营的主体单位来说,都存在着一定的不足,难以有效的支持基层银行参 与多层面竞争活动。 正是基于这样一种背景,作为温岭农行的一员,作者首先根据温岭农行所面 临环境日新月异的变化和竞争的日益激烈,提出了对于温岭农行的竞争战略研究 的迫切性和必要性,尤其随着农业银行股份制改革的推进,公司治理结构将逐步 健全,内部改革稳步推进,经营机制切实转 ,不断提升服务水准和效益,同时 要完成股份制改革设计的目标,农业银行迫切需要加强市场竞争战略的研究,全 面提升市场竞争力。县级支行是农业银行经营的基础和服务窗口,要树立战略意 识,结合当地形势,制定基层农业银行竞争战略,贯彻好科学发展观,加大拓展 县域 蓝海”市场,把县级支行打造成县域经济中的主流银行,保持农行可持续发展。 然后分析了外部环境所给予的机会和威胁,温岭农行内部所特有的优势和劣势; 在上述详细分析的基础上结合波特的一般竞争战略提出了温岭农行的竞争战略 差异化竞争战略。并根据温岭农行的实际经营情况,对温岭农行在实施竞争战略 过程中要做好市场定位、产品创新、业务流程、企业文化等四方面的具体策略和 措施,为竞争战略的顺利实施提供有力支持。 关键词:农业银行;竞争战略;差异化 1 Abstract Facing the dual challenges of the entry of foreign banks and the financial penetration after China ’s entry into the WTO, China ’s banking industry will need to construct a comprehensive and challenging system to cope with the competition in the future. It is particularly important to create a competitive strategic framework to foster the competitiveness of banks by continuing to develop new functions, gain new core competence to enhance the existing competitiveness. At present, the practice of domestic and foreign banks related to the strategic management is insufficient for the branches of banks at the county level to participate in the multi-faceted competition. Considering the ever-changing environment and the increasingly fierce competition faced by the Agricultural Bank of Wenling , the author of this paper first points out the urgency and necessity of strategic study of the competitiveness of the Agricultural Bank of Wenling, With the implementation of joint-stock reform of Agricultural Bank, corporate governance will improve



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