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要 石油作为现代工业的 “血液”, 具有重要的资源价值和战略意义,在当今世 界经济中占有举足轻重的地位。然而,受石油市场供求基本面、尤其是资本投机、 地缘政治等突发事件的影响,世界石油价格频繁波 且高位运行并不可避免地传 导到我国成品油价格上来。 由于国内成品油价格目前只是机械地被动跟随国际三地油价,且存在滞后性, 无法反映国内成品油市场的供求关系,也无法参与世界油品定价权的制定,因而 改变当前成品油价格形成机制尤为迫切。 本文在前人研究成果的基础上,对石油、成品油价格形成机制理 进行经济 分析,并回顾国内成品油价格形成机制的历程,分析了目前成品油价格形成机制 的现状以及弊端,指出在成品油的进口、加工、批发、零售处于高度垄断的市场 格局下,无法科学评价中石油和中石化两大公司的绩效,难以培育真正的市场主 体,也不利于 导成品油资源的合理配置和高效利用;成品油价格的调整还没有 真正与国际市场接轨,难以达到节约能源的目的;现行成品油价格调整滞后,容 易激发市场投机者的囤油欲望,助长石油流通体制中的投机现象。文章最后在借 鉴国外主要发达国家成功经验的基础上,提出完善国内成品油价格形成机制的建 议,即国内成品油价格形成机制的目标与要求以及完善成品油价格形成机制的政 策保障,即:竞争机制的建立、发展石油期货市场、完善石油储备体系及积极寻 求替代能源等。 关键词: 成品油 价格形成机制 期货市场 石油储备 1 Abstract As the blood of the modern industry, the petroleum ,which has important resources value and strategic significance, holds the pivotal status in the world economy nowadays. However, affected by the influence of the oil market supply and demand, particularly the speculative capital, geopolitics and other unexpected events, the petroleum price fluctuated frequently at a high level. The world oil prices frequent fluctuation inevitably conducts to the refined oil price in China. Because it is just now mechanically following three international oil prices and has much time lag, the domestic refined oil price is not only unable to reflect the domestic refined oil market supply and demand, but also unable to participate in the process of formulating world oil price. Therefore changing current refined oil pricing mechanism is especially urgent. Basic on reviewing the predecessor s research results, this article analyzes the theory of the petroleum and the refined oil pricing mechanism and reviews the history of the refined oil pricing mechanism in China. Then the article has analyzed the current refined oil pric


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