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要 品牌的时代已经到来!区域品牌竞争力包涵了区域在资源、能力、技术、管 理、人力资源等方面的综合优势,是形成并实现区域可持续增长的动力源泉,是 区域核心竞争力的外在表现。为此,城市和地区乃至国家都在打造各自的品牌。 然而一些传统的区域品牌的力量正在衰退,如何使他们走出困境,探索一条 适合我国传统区域品牌的重塑之道,成为很多管理学者的共同命题。 以往对陶瓷区域品牌的研究大多集中在建筑陶瓷和日用陶瓷上,而对陶瓷的 重镇——景德镇的工艺美术陶瓷的区域品牌的研究甚少。 本文纵观国内外关于区域品牌的理论、整理我国陶瓷区域品牌的成功经验和 深度分析景德镇陶瓷区域品牌所面临的问 后,提出了重塑景德镇陶瓷区域品牌 的平台,阐述了各自平台的功能和职责,然后针对区域特色提出了重塑景德镇陶 瓷区域品牌的区域品牌营销策略。 文章 为应该首先确定一个完整的区域品牌运营系统,然后系统内的主体(政 府、协会、企业和作坊以及从业者)各自发挥相应的作用,从政府战略制定到企 业和从业人员的内部行为都紧紧地围绕做大做强景德镇陶瓷区域品牌这个主 ; 接着,在差异化营销这个主流理论下,通过建立连锁品牌、私人品牌和特许品牌、 联合品牌、名人品牌和展馆品牌等品牌塑造模式来具体重塑景德镇陶瓷区域品牌, 他们之间协同作用,产生最大的效能,为景德镇陶瓷区域品牌的重塑做出各自最 大的贡献。 关键词: 景德镇陶瓷 区域品牌 重塑平台 重塑模式 1 Abstract The time of brand already arrived ! The regional brand competitive power, including the region of the resources, ability, technology, management, human resources comprehensive superiority and so on, is the basement of the region sustainable growth and the external performance of the region core competitive power. Therefore, the city, the area and even all the country are making individual brand. However, some traditional region brand effects are declining. How to help them to get rid of the difficulty becomes the common topic of some management scholar. Former, mostly the ceramic region brand research were concentrated on the ceramics construction and the ceramics for daily use, but barely the ceramic strategic place Jingdezhen's industrial art ceramics region brand research. This article looks over the domestic and foreign region brand theory , re-organizes the success experience of our country ceramics region brand and analyzes the question deeply what the Jingdezhen ceramics region brand faces, gives a way to rebuild the Jingdezhen ceramics region brand, and elabor


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