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摘要本论文是致力于对空间曲面外表面的轮廓精确修磨试验装置进行设计与相关计算说明。该装置立题与实际相联系的实例是复杂金属切削圆锯片的修磨。在实际的生产过程中用来切削金属的锯片齿面会发生逐渐的磨损,影响切削的效率和切削的精度,而在实际的修磨过程中,锯片的使用厂方遇到了难以解决的问题。首先,锯齿要求有精确的分度,且齿面面积很小,精度要求高,依靠国内现有的修磨技术很难满足要求,修磨的过程中造成大量的废件,同时也严重影响了生产效率。另一方面,国外的锯片生产厂家,从技术角度实行技术保密,修磨价格高,而且加工的周期也很长。这些因素都阻碍了生产的顺利进行。因此设计一种锯片的精确修磨机构来满足实际的需要。这个项目在国内处于空白领域,经过考虑设计的难度,现拟定在设计可以实际投入生产应用的生产设备之前先进行试验设备的设计。本设计要求实现规定的技术要求,并且在满足要求的前提下,尽量将设计趋于生产实际。本设计要应用压电技术,压电陶瓷晶体具有很好的力学特性和精度特性,在多方面比较之后成为本设计的首选。本设计利用压电驱动机构控制机械装置以实现磨削平面的六个自由度的精确运动定位。本设计侧重在机构设计。关键字六自由度运动圆锯片的修磨柔性机械臂空间曲面拟合AbstractThis paper is dedicated to the surface contours of the outer surface of precision grinding test apparatus design and related calculations. State questions linked to the actual instance of the devices is complex for metal cutting circular saw blade grinding. In the actual production process used to cut metal saw blade tooth wear and tear will happen gradually, affecting the precision of the cutting efficiency and cutting, while in the actual process of grinding, blade encountered a difficult problem to solve using the factory. First of all, anti-aliasing requires a precise indexing, and tooth surface are very small, high precision, relying on existing domestic grinding technology is difficult to meet the requirements, cause a lot of waste in the process of grinding, also seriously affected the production efficiency. The other hand, saw blade manufacturers abroad, from a technical point of technology secrecy, high on grinding and processing cycle is very long. These factors have hindered the production run smoothly. Therefore design a precise grinding saw blades body to meet the actual needs. This project is blank in the country field, after considering the difficulty of designing, application is developed in design can actually put into production test equipment design before production equipment. This design calls for the provisions of technical requirements, and meet the requirements of the premise, as far as possible towards production designs.