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石墨烯相关研究高被引文献 (被引次数超过360,检索时间2010年) ? 显示 1 条,共 50 条 作者: Novoselov, KS; Geim, AK; Morozov, SV; Jiang, D; Zhang, Y; Dubonos, SV; Grigorieva, IV; Firsov, AA 标题: Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films 来源出版物: SCIENCE, 306 (5696): 666-669 OCT 22 2004 摘要: We describe monocrystalline graphitic films, which are a few atoms thick but are nonetheless stable under ambient conditions, metallic, and of remarkably high quality. The films are found to be a two-dimensional semimetal with a tiny overlap between valence and conductance bands, and they exhibit a strong ambipolar electric field effect such that electrons and holes in concentrations up to 10(13) per square centimeter and with room-temperature mobilities of similar to10,000 square centimeters per volt-second can be induced by applying gate voltage. ISSN: 0036-8075 DOI: 10.1126/science.1102896 显示 2 条,共 50 条 作者: Thess, A; Lee, R; Nikolaev, P; Dai, HJ; Petit, P; Robert, J; Xu, CH; Lee, YH; Kim, SG; Rinzler, AG; Colbert, DT; Scuseria, GE; Tomanek, D; Fischer, JE; Smalley, RE 标题: Crystalline ropes of metallic carbon nanotubes 来源出版物: SCIENCE, 273 (5274): 483-487 JUL 26 1996 摘要: Fullerene single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs) were produced in yields of more than 70 percent by condensation of a laser-vaporized carbon-nickel-cobalt mixture at 1200 degrees C. X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy showed that these SWNTs are nearly uniform in diameter and thai they self-organize into ropes, which consist of 100 to 500 SWNTs in a two-dimensional triangular lattice with a lattice constant of 17 angstroms. The x-ray form factor is consistent with that of uniformly charged cylinders 13.8 +/- 0.2 angstroms in diameter. The ropes were metallic, with a single-rope resistivity of 10(-4) ohm-centimeters at 300 kelvin. The uniformity of SWNT diameter is attributed to the efficient annealing of an initial fullerene tubelet kept open by a few metal atoms; the optimum diameter is determined by competition between the strain


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