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论式玛卡龙集团在中国的信用管理 摘要 信用是金融体制的基石,也是整个市场经济的基石。对于企业来讲, 企业信用是企业进入国际市场的通行证。有效的信用风险管理可以提高企 业现金流,降低发生呆账、坏账的可能性,并有助于发现客户的价值,帮 助企业抓住机会,寻找到信誉更好、竞争力更强的客户。因此信用管理应 成为企业经营管理中的一个必要环节和独立功能。 本论文以式玛卡龙涂料(昆山)有限公司为研究对象,从货款回收效 率、客户信用风险控制和赊销管理三方面对公司的信用管理进行了深入的 剖析;结合了全程信用管理控制理论,运用了企业评估的特征值模型,从 组织结构、客户信用信息系统、信用评估、大客户风险预警等方面入手, 建立了全面系统的信用风险管理控制体制,同时还提出了强化了销售人员 的激励约束机制,建立企业信用文化等建议,最后,本文就式玛卡龙集团 在中国的信用管理改造提出了实施建议,以保证方案的成功实施,旨在使 式玛卡龙集团在涂料行业激烈的市场竞争中对信用风险进行有效控制与管 理,加速企业资产的周转,提升企业价值。 本文结合式玛卡龙中国的现状,重点讨论了公司的信用风险管理体系 的建立。希望通过本文的研究,可以对连续供货型企业在今后的信用管理 工作提供一些有益的探索和帮助,以应对激烈的国际化竞争,实现企业的 持续、健康发展。 关键词:式玛卡龙 信用管理 信用评估 THE RESEARCH OF SIGMAKALON GROUP FOR CREDIT MANAGEMENT IN CHINA ABSTRACT Credit system is the foundation stone not only of the financial system, but also of the entire market economy. For enterprises, the business credit is the permit to enter the international market. Effective credit risk management can improve business cash flow, reduce bad debts, the possibility of bad debts, thus help to identify the value of customers, and help businesses to seize the opportunity to find more competitive clients with high reputation. Therefore credit management should be an essential aspect of the whole financial system and should be independent function. This thesis does some deep research on the current credit management system for the company, Sigmakalon (Kunshan) Co., Ltd with following three aspects: the recovery efficiency from the goods payment, customer credit risk control and management control of sales on credit. In the research, the whole process credit management control theory is combined with the characteristics value model of the enterprise assessment to establish the complete credit risk control system from the organizational structure, customer credit information systems, credit assessment, the early warning of the risk from



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