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摘 要 进入20世纪90年代以来,随着全面质量管理、准时制生产、绿色采购等新的生产方式和要求的应用,对于企业的快速反应和合作伙伴的关系,提出了较高的要求。企业欲在激烈的竞争中处于不败之地,就必须以最优质满足用户的个性化需求,靠质量开拓市场,靠质量站稳市场,质量对企业来说是一个永恒的话题。同时,伴随着生产社会化的不断发展,社会分工会越来越细,专业化程度会越来越高,供应链在产品实现过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。论文首先从质量管理的理论基础入手,系统介绍了全面质量管理的思想。以装备制造业的供应商为研究对象分析了将全面质量管理管理作为前提的供应商确定原则,同时,从供应商综合评价的角度出发,分析了供应商评价重点,并依据供应商的竞争能力,建立装备制造业的供应商评价指标综合体系模型。该体系包括加以细化了的7个产品质量评价指标,以及产品质量在内的5个综合评价指标,以便核心企业对供应商的筛选和评估。并采用灰色关联分析与层析分析法相结合的综合评价法对供应商进行定量评价。根据评价考核的结果,确定最终供应商。 Abstract Since 1990s, for enterprises, the higher requirement of quick response and collaborative relationship has been brought forward along with application of TQM (Total Quality Management), JIT (Just In Time), Green Purchase etc. If enterprises want to keep their invincible position in the fierce competition, they must meet with the most high-quality personal demand of customers, rely on quality, develop and establish the market by quality. To enterprises quality is an eternal topic. At the same time, along with the continuous development of socialized production, the labor division will be more and more detailed, professional level will be more and more specialty, supply chain is playing a more and more important role in the product realization process. How to appraise performance of supplier and build an appropriate selection mechanism is one of the crucial activities in supply chain management, which is the foundation of operating the supply chain partnership. For the selection and evaluation of supplier, which not only assess operation of supplier but also appraise influence of supplier operation on upper and lower enterprises. Especially with the rapid development of global economy, more and more corporations focus on scientific selection, evaluation and measurement of supplier development and partnership with supplier, building win-win relationship. At present, study of supplier selection and evaluation, which is a key factor for the enterprise to enhance its competition advantage, it has strategic meaning. Fir


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