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* Energy and persistence conquer all things. 能量加毅力可以征服一切。 —— 富兰克林 借助 “逻辑关系” 手段 推导主旨脉络 Warming Up skyscrapers cities skyscrapers:cities = fields:__________ Warming Up fields countryside Warming Up 1. stars : ________= sand grains : beach 2. hat : head = ________ : hands 3. panda : China = Kangaroo : ________ 4. water : ________ = earth : land 5. shops : customers = planes : ________ universe gloves Australia ocean passengers He is ______ for class, because he is stuck in the traffic jam. Warming Up late Warming Up 1. Mr. Brown is a teacher; he works in the ________. 2. KFC staff work not only in the day, but also during the _______. 3. It is so urgent that he has ____ time to explain more. 4. Linda ________ and fell down the stairs because the floor was wet. 5. Time is very valuable. We must _______ our time. school night no slipped treasure cherish value Warming Up ant bee cat dog elephant frog goose horse iguana jenny kangaroo lamb monkey … Exemplifying in Skills “逻辑关系” 英语的语篇非常追求逻辑的严谨,而逻辑严谨的达成主要通过使用众多的连接词来实现。英语语篇中常见的逻辑关系有以下七种: 平行或递进的关系 转折的关系 目的或因果的关系 层次或顺序的关系 例举的关系 解释说明的关系 归纳总结的关系 Exemplifying in Skills 表示平行或递进关系的连接词有: and, or, also, as well (as), likewise, similarly, at the same time, both... and..., besides, furthermore, in addition (to), moreover, worse still等。 这些连接词表明下文将出现与前面同类性质的内容,或是对前面内容的进一步阐述。 【例1】 When Alice started to cycle home from Jenny’s house, she wasn’t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark. _____, it was only a 15-minute ride home. A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise 由前文 “她并不怕黑” 和后文 “这仅仅只是15分钟的车程” 可知, 前后文表示递进的关系, 所以连接词应是选项B. Besides。 Exemplifying in Skills 表示转折关系的连接词有: although, but, however, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, otherwise, to the opposite, while, yet等。 这些连接词表明下文讲述的将是相反的或全新的内容或观点,需要格外注意。此时应放慢阅读速度,多留心上下文在意义上的转变。 【例2】 Revision is not just an afterthought that gets only as much time as you have at the end of an assignment. ___, it is a majo


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