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辅助函数法在数学分析中的运用 2008级数应1班 刘再平 指导老师:张永峰 教授 摘 要 函数是数学的精华,函数是数学的灵魂,贯穿于各个数学领域。每一次函数理论的更新与完善,都会激起数学的进步,给数学带来革命性的影响。如今,函数思想已成为数学界的经典思想,函数方法已成为人们解决数学问题,尤其是难度较大的数学问题的重要工具。辅助函数法作为函数法中的重中之重,扮演着“桥梁”的角色。此文将详略得当的从十一个小方面,着重介绍辅助函数法在数学分析中的运用,同步的也会简略的描述辅助函数法的定义、辅助函数的一些常用构造方法与可作为辅助函数的函数,以求开拓对此类问题的解决思路. 关键词 辅助函数;数学分析;应用;数学问题 The auxiliary function method in the application of mathematical analysis Liu Zaiping (Class 1, Grade 2008,College of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) Advisor: Professor Zhang Yongfeng Abstract Function is the essence of mathematics, the function is the soul of mathematics, passes through in each math. Every time the updating and perfect function theory, can arouse the progress of mathematics, to bring the influence of mathematics revolutionary. Today, the function has become known as the thought classical thought, function method has become people to solve mathematics problems, especially difficult math problem of important tools. Auxiliary function method is the most important thing as a function method, plays the role of the bridge. This article will be detailed slightly proper from twelve small, mainly introduced the auxiliary function method in the application of mathematical analysis, synchronization will brief description of the auxiliary function method of auxiliary function definition, some of the commonly used method and the structure can be used as auxiliary function, in order to develop ideas for the solution to this problem. Key words:The auxiliary function; Mathematical analysis; Application; Math problems I 目 录 摘要 Abstract 前言 一、辅助函数法的定义 1、文字语言定义 2、数学语言定义 二、可作为辅助函数的函数初探 1、单调函数 2、可积函数 3、Lagrange函数 4、延拓函数 三、辅助函数的构造方法 1、几何法 2、原函数法 3、恒等变形法 4、三点定抛物线法 5、微分方程法 6、常数分离法 7、分析综合法



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