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2008年7月《外贸函电》答案 一、单项选择题 1、D 2、A 3、C 4、B 5、C 6、D 7、A 8、D 9、B 10、A 11、B 12、A 13、C 14、D 15、A 16、A 17、C 18、D 19、D 20、C 二、填空题 21、under 22. for 23. establish/open 24. payable 25.account 26. with 28. to 29. up 30. between 31. to 32. to 33.with 34.with 35.satisfactory 36. for 37. by 38. of 39. to 40. from 41. to 42. for, for 43. for 44. as 三、英汉翻译 45、我方不能降到贵方所提出的价格,我们能否各让一半? 46、请告知高级块状砂糖每公吨的价格,以及在什么付款条件下,你方能大量供货。 47、为了双方之间能开展具体的业务,我们很高兴向贵方报特盘,以我方最后确认生效。 48、如果质量和价格令人满意的话,该产品会有很好的销售前景。 49、贵方拟定购的产品已售尽,我们推荐123号货物作为理想的替代品。 50、如你方坚持不降价,我们只好从其它地方购买。 51、汇票已在上海贴现。 52、如你方能接受付款交单的话,我们将感激不尽。 53、请确保信用证条款与合同的条款一致,保证无须修改信用证。如要修改信用证,既费时又费钱。 54、我方所报价格基于合理的利润。 四、汉英翻译 55. We spent USD one million on the goods. 56. The order is subject to our obtaining the import license. 57. We have booked shipping space on s.s “Haihe” 58. If no your definite instrunctions, we will cover your goods against W.P.A and War Risk according to usual practice. 59. There is a shortage of 1540 kilograms in this shipment. 五、撰写英文书信。 Dear Sirs, We have received the consignment ex s.s “Dongfeng” in time and highly appreciate your promptly executing our order. After a check-up by our staff, it was found that the contents packed in CTN No.3 wasn’t the goods we have ordered. I guess that the shipment was for someone else and packed in CTN No.3 by mistake. Since the goods we ordered will be delivered to our customers, it will be appreciated if you replace it and arrange for the immediate dispatch of the replacement. Enclosed is the contents list of CTN No.3 with which you could compare our order. We look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely 本资料由浙江自考网收集整理,更多自考资料请登


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