实用酒店英语( 第二版) Chapter III Food & Beverage unit 10 unit 10.ppt

实用酒店英语( 第二版) Chapter III Food & Beverage unit 10 unit 10.ppt

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尚辅网 尚辅网 Table Reservation Table Reservation 预订餐台 Content 大连理工大学电子音像出版社 LOGO 世纪商务英语阅读教程(专业篇Ⅰ) DUTP 世纪商务英语阅读教程(专业篇Ⅰ) DUTP 大连理工大学电子音像出版社 尚辅网 Unit 10 高职高专 旅游与酒店管理类课程规划教材 实用酒店英语(第二版) 大连理工大学电子音像出版社 尚辅网 How to receive table reservations 如何接受餐桌预订 How to decline table reservations 如何婉拒餐桌预订 Aims of Studying 尚辅网 Dialogues Useful Drills Tips Exercises 尚辅网 Dialogues Background Information 餐厅简介通常包括下面几方面的内容: name of the restaurant 餐厅的名字 location of the restaurant 餐厅的位置 size and setting capacity 大小及餐位数 decoration and furnishings 装潢及布置 type of food and drinks served 餐饮质量 type of guests 顾客定位 price of food and drinks 餐饮价位 service and atmosphere 服务及环境 summary and recommendation 总结及推荐 一? 餐厅简介 The Introduction of the Restaurant 尚辅网 Dialogues Background Information 二? 预订登记要素 1.客户基本信息 guest name 客人姓名 code 登记编号 telephone number 联系电话 address 联系地址 number of guests 就餐人数 sit-down time 预订就餐时间 2.客户要求 table 所需餐位 private room 包房 type & number 饭菜种类和数量 price 价格标准 menu 菜单 decoration 餐厅布置 尚辅网 Dialogues Background Information 3.餐厅政策说明 discount 折扣优惠 payment 付款方式 cut-off time 餐位保留时间 reservation amendment policy 预订变更的政策 cancellation policy 取消预订的规定 尚辅网 Dialogues Dialogue 1 J: Good morning. Tiantian Restaurant. May I help you? S: I’d like to reserve a table for two. J: Yes, sir. What time would you like your table? S: Around 6:30 p.m. J: Fine. I’ll reserve a table for two at 6:30, sir. We shall keep your table until 7:00. May I have your name and telephone number, please? S: Stephen Nobel. And my number is 2255 6688. J: Could you tell me how to spell your name? S: Yes. N-O-B-E-L, Nobel. J: Thank you, Mr. Nobel. By the way, as at the peak hour, we can only keep your table for half an hour. That means you should come before 7:00. We look forward to having you with us tonight. S: OK. Table Reservation 预订餐台 J=Jane (Receptionist ) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) Translation 尚辅网 返回 Dialog


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