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W C J P S 2010, 25( 6) 672~ 676 - - * , , , ( , 2 11816) : - - - , , , : - 1 HP - - CD 112, 25 700 r m in 2 h , - - 80% , 4 m gmL- 1, : ; ; : R94 : A : 1006- 0 103( 2010) 06- 0672- 05 Preparation and characterization of docetaxel inclusion complex freeze- dried powder for injection * REN Li- l,i WANG Cheng, CHEN Gu - guang , CHEN Feng (S chool of Pharmaceutical Science, Nanj ing University Of Technology, Nanj ing, Jiangsu, 2 11816 P. R. Ch ina) Abstract: OBJECTI E T select the ptmi um preparati n pr cess f d cetaxel inclusi n c m plex freeze - dried p w der f r injecti n. METHODS The d cetaxel- HP - - CD inclusi n c m plex w as prepared by aque us s luti n - stirring m eth d and ly philizati n. Them ultip le fact rs and levels expermi entsw ere perf rm ed by rth g nal expermi ents design w ith the c ntent f d cetaxel in inclusi n c m plex as criteria. RESULTS The expermi ent data sh w ed that the ptmi um entrapm ent c nd iti ns w ere as f ll w s: the rati f d cetaxel t H P- - CD was 112, temperature was at 25 , r tati n speed w as 700 r m in- 1 and reacti n tmi ew as 2 h urs. And the d cetax el c ntent in the inclusi n w as determ ined by HPLC. S tructure exam inati n by m icr sc p ic m eth d, UV abs rpti n spectrum, d ifferential scann ing cal rmi etric m eth d and IR abs rpti n spectrum pr ved that the inclusi n c m p und w as btained. CONCLUSION The rec very f inclusi n c mp lex prepared w ith the ptmi um inclus i n c nditi n exceeded 80% . The s lub ility f - 1 d cetax el w as 4 mgmL . M eanwh ile, such c nclusi n c mp lex may pr vide reference f r clin ical studies.


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