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新起点 新举措 新跨越 ——商务部部长陈德铭就中非经贸合作答新华社记者问 Minister Chen’s Exclusive Interview by Xinhua News Agency on Sino-Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation 2011年2月17日 February 17, 2011 2011年2月12日至18日,中国商务部部长陈德铭应邀率中国政府经贸代表团访问摩洛哥、赤道几内亚和加纳三国。在结束访非之际,陈德铭接受新华社记者专访,就访非情况和当前中非经贸合作有关问题回答了记者的提问。 Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming headed a Chinese government trade and economic delegation to visit Morocco, Equatorial Guinea and Ghana on invitation from February 12 to 18. At the close of his visit, Minister Chen accepted an exclusive interview by Xinhua News Agency reporter and answered his questions about the visit and Sino-Africa trade and economic cooperation. 记者:陈部长,您连续三年每年年初率中国政府经贸代表团访问非洲,这是出于什么考虑? Reporter: Minister Chen, it is the third year that you head the Chinese government trade and economic delegation to visit Africa at the beginning of the year, what’s your consideration? 陈德铭:经贸合作是中非友谊的重要基石。非洲是中国传统友好朋友和可信赖的经贸合作伙伴,中国是非洲第一大贸易伙伴国、重要投资来源地和主要援助提供国。巩固和发展同非洲国家的友好、务实合作,是中国对外政策的重要立足点,理所当然地成为我们开展对外经济交往优先考虑的工作重点。 Chen Deming: The trade and economic cooperation is the important cornerstone of Sino-Africa friendship. Africa is China’s good friend and reliable trading partner while China is Africa’s first largest trading partner, important investment source and principal provider of aid. It is an important foothold for China’s foreign policies to consolidate and develop the friendly and pragmatic cooperation with African countries so that we will give priority to it in our development of foreign economic exchanges. 记者:当前中非经贸合作面临什么新形势?此次出访非洲主要任务是什么? Reporter: What’s the new situation that Sino-Africa trade and economic cooperation faces with? And what are the major tasks of this visit? 陈德铭:今年是我国“十二五”计划的开局之年,也是中非合作论坛成立后第二个十年的开始。根据温家宝总理2009年11月在中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议宣布的加强对非务实合作新八项举措,我国将继续加强与非洲国家的务实合作,特别是要积极开展农业、医疗卫生、人力资源开发等有利于改善当地民生的项目合作。 Chen Deming: The year of 2011 is the first year of China’s “12th Five-Year-Plan” and the second decade since the establishment of FOCAC. In accordance with the eigh


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