2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 1《What’s the matter》导学案1版.docVIP

2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 1《What’s the matter》导学案1版.doc

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2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 1《What’s the matter》导学案1版.doc

Unit 1 What’s the matter? 姓名 组名 竞争对手 组内编号 学习目标 单元目标: 一、知识与技能:1.学会使用教材词汇表中的黑体单词。2.学会使用描述健康状况和提出合理的建议。3.学会就健康问题展开讨论,并用You should ……的句型提出解决方法。4.能以书信的形式针对某种健康情况提出建议。 二、方法与过程:以自学为主,运用小组交流,师生合作、生生合作的学习方法,以记忆和口语交流为主,伴随听力和阅读写作训练。 三、情感态度与价值观:通过本单元的学习,培养学生的健康意识,如何预防健康问题,从而教育学生健康的身体是搞好学习的前提。 第1课时 一、学习内容:Section A(1a-2d) 二、学习目标: 词汇目标: matter n 事情 问题 差错a lot of matters许多事 It doesn’t matter. (v.) 没关系。 What’s the matter/ trouble with you? What’s wrong with you ? 你怎么了?What’s your trouble ? What’s up with you? Is there anything wrong with you ? Is something wrong with you? 注意: What’s wrong with…? 某物出了什么故障? -What’s wrong with your watch? -It doesn’t work. 你的表出了什么毛病? 坏了。 2. have /catch a cold= have the flu 患感冒 have/catch a bad cold 患重感冒 --What’s wrong with you? -I have a bad cold . --How are you feeling now ? -I’m feeling much better. 3. stomachache 胃痛,腹痛,肚子痛 have a stomachache 胃痛= have a pain in the stomach =have a sore stomach have a bad stomachache 胃痛得厉害 4. sore adj 疼痛的,酸痛的 throat 喉咙 烟喉 have a sore throat 烟喉痛 There’s something wrong with my throat.我烟喉有毛病。= I have a sore throat. = I have a pain in the throat. 5. have a sore back = have a pain in the back 背痛 6 have a toothache 牙痛 see a dentist 看牙医 7.fever adj 发烧,have a fever 发烧,have a high fever 高烧 8. rest n /v休息 rest = have a rest= take breaks= take a break 休息一会儿 take/have a good rest 好好休息. ★ rest n 剩余部分 the rest of the teachers 剩余的老师 There are ten boys in the classroom .Three of them are cleaning the classroom. The rest are cleaning the windows.教室有十个男生,其中三个在打扫教室,其余的在擦玻璃。 9.lie down 躺下,过去式→lay 现在分词:lying lie down and rest 躺下来休息 10.honey un 蜂蜜,tea with honey加蜂蜜的茶,with 带有,具有 11.an arm一只胳膊,12.an ear 一只耳朵,13.an eye一只眼睛 14.foot cn. (pl)feet, on foot 步行,注意:go to sp on foot=walk to sp步行去某地 15. tooth (pl) teeth 注意:twelve teeth 十二颗牙齿 16.have a headache 头痛 17.take ones temperature 量体温 18.sound like 听起来像 19.on the weekend= on weekends 在周末 20.all week


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