2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 2《What’s the matter》period 5学案.docVIP

2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 2《What’s the matter》period 5学案.doc

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2014人 教新目标英语八下 unit 2《What’s the matter》period 5学案.doc

Unit 2 What’s the matter Period 5学案 一.知识目标(Knowledge goals) 1.生词与短语(Words and phrases) Get, give, need, believe, stay 2.重点句子(Key sentences) I’m tired and have a lot of headaches. I’m stressed out. I think I have a cold. 能力目标(Ability goals) 鼓励学生自我检测本单元内所学过的知识。 情感态度价值观(Emotions and attitudes) 根据前几个课时的学习,学生能够以Health为话题和核心进行提问并提出建议,或向别的同学寻求建议,是对情态动词should /shouldn’t 表达建议的用法的检测,又能体现同学之间的相互关心和帮助。 综合拓展练习 完形填空 I’m glad to hear __1.__ you’re enjoying my school in Beijing. I like __2.__ school in New York. It’s a big and nice school. But I am not feeling very __3.__ at the moment. I’m tired and __4.__a lot of headaches. And I am stressed__5.__ because my English isn’t improving. I study__6.__ every night, sometimes until 2am, __7.__ I don’t think I’m improving. I really need some conversation practice! I think I have a cold, __8.__. Oh, dear! But my host family is really nice. They are all __9.__ to me. They often help me with my English. I__10.__I can learn it well. 1. A. what B. that C. when D. why 2. A. your B. his C. her D. my 3. A. good B. better C. well D. bad 4. A. want B. have C. like D. see 5. A. in B.of C. to D. out 6. A. hungry B. late C. early D. tired 7. A. and B. then C. but D. or 8. A. too B. to C. two D. three 9. A. thirsty B. healthy C. friendly D. sore 10. A. know B. believe C. learn hour D. study 单句改错 1. I heard you had the headache yesterday. 2. My host family is real nice. 3. Eat Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is good for us. 4. When you tired, you should have a rest. 5. I hope you to get well soon. 易错易混练习 用too many, too much 或much too填空 (1)We are tired because we have_____ homework. (2)There are_____ apples on the apple tree. (3)He eats _____ food, so he is _____ fat. 四.单项填空 1. I have _____ chores to do today that I can’t go out with you. A. so much B. such many C. so many D. such 2. So _____ homework really makes the students feel tired. A. much B. many C. litt



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