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JIANGXI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题目: 苎麻剥麻机机构设计 学 院: 工 学 院 姓 名: 学 号: 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 年 级: 机制 104 指导教师: 职 称 副教授 二0 一四 年 五 月 摘 要 在研究设计苎麻剥制加工机械的过程中,研究重点往往在机械结构方面,侧重于机械材料和关键部件的选择与设计,而忽视了对被加工物料苎麻茎秆的力学特性的研究,仅限经验估计。故在基于对麻杆进行物理机械特性分析的基础上,科学的进行设计。通过挤压、划破、刮打等连续的工序,实现苎麻的完整剥制过程。工作原理仍然为压辊挤压、划破和剥麻滚筒刮打。不过在具体的机构和传动设计上作出了改进和创新:改变调节杆的安装位置并在结构上作适当的修改,使导料板的调节范围更广;借鉴食品机械的部分机构,增加齿轮连杆调隙机构,可适应多变的加工环境;简化了刀片割麻的复杂过程,直接在二级压辊上设计滚刀,功能容易实现。设计中着重考虑实用原则、经济原则,优先选用常见的标准件、优先的公差配合、来源广泛的工程材料。降低制造成本,提高农机在农村地区的推广度,打破我国农机面临的现状,为农民带来实实在在的好处。 关键词:剥麻;结构设计;改进 全套图纸,加153893706 Abstract Ramie stripping in the research and design process of mechanical processing system, theres archers tend to focus on aspects of the mechanical structure, focusing on key components of mechanical materials and the selection and design, to the neglect of the processing of materials on the mechanical properties of ramie stem research, only on experience. Stick it in based on physical analysis of mechanical properties on the basis of the scientific design. Through extrusion, cut, scratch, such as a continuous process to fight to achieve the complete stripping system ramie process. The working principle for the pressure rollers are still squeeze, cut and scrape peeling drum beat Ma. However, in specific institutions and the drive to improve the design and innovation. Changes in regulation of the installation of pole position and structure to make appropriate changes so that the adjustment guide plate wider; Learn from that part of food machinery to increase the gear linkage backlash transfer can be processed to adapt to changing envi



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