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互联网服务业的内涵和创新模式研究 王 婷1,2 (1.中国科学技术大学管理学院,安徽合肥 230026; 2.中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所,北京 100190 ) 摘要 以互联网为核心的网络技术的发明与广泛应用,使整个人类社会进入了网络经济时代, 极大改变生产和服务的流通方式,深刻影响消费者的价值观念和消费行为。然而经历了许多 繁荣与衰落的互联网服务业,充分认识到创新模式的重要性,如何创新并设计出好的模式, 成了关注的新问题。从互联网服务业的概念、范围研究入手,归纳其特征,厘清创新内容, 提出创新模式的分析框架,希望通过此研究给互联网服务业的发展提供一些有益的启示。 关键词:互联网服务业;内涵;创新模式 Research on the Concept and the Innovation Model of Internet Service Industries WANG Ting1, 2 (1.School of Management, USTC, Hefei 230026, China; 2. Institute of Policy and Management, CAS, Beijing 100190, China) Abstract: The inventions of network technologies, especially the wide applications of the Internet, have greatly changed the circulation and distribution of products and services, profoundly impacted the values and behaviors of consumers, and brought the society into an era of network economy. After experiencing several alternations of prosperities and declines, Internet has become an important means for service, and the Internet service industries are becoming more and more important to the society. How to innovate and how to design effectual innovation models are the new focuses of Internet service enterprises. Under this background, this article discusses the concept and the range of Internet service, clarifies the contents of Internet Services innovation, put forward the basic analysis frame of innovation model. Finally, some advices are given as references. Key Word: Internet Service Industries ;the Concept ;Innovation Model 1 1 背景 20 世纪90 年代中期,互联网开始在商业领域中普及应用。互联网以其如无 处不在、消除时间的局限、降低交易成本等(Afuah,2003)特性,改变着商业 [1] 竞争的基本环境和规则。 Amazon、eBay、Yahoo 等一大批基于互联网服务的企 业应运而生,极大改变生产和服务的流通方式,深刻影响消费者的价值观念和消 费行为,对社会、经济和市场结构变革产生深远影响。从2004 年以来,国家政 府开始重视互联网服务业的相关建设,2006 年,《中华人民共和国第十一个五年 规划》将“积极发展电子商务”作为一项重


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