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论民族意识对民族关系的影响 徐黎丽 【摘 要】本文在讨论民族意识、民族认同意识的概念基础上, 重点分析了民族认同意识对民族关 系的正负面影响。认为民族认同意识的积极作用可以促进民族凝聚力的增强和民族关系的健康发展, 民 族认同意识的消极作用则会阻碍民族关系的正常发展。因此必须将民族认同意识维持在一个合理的 “度”内。所谓“度”, 就是民族认同意识的积极作用与消极作用的分界线。要维持这个度, 首先必须将 民族认同意识过分强烈的民族成员与民族认同意识一般的民族成员分别开来: 其次, 确定这种过分强烈 的民族认同意识对本民族或本国家是否产生负面影响; 再次, 逐步消除对本民族和本国家产生负面影响 的民族认同意识; 最后, 国家范围内民族平等团结氛围的营造。 【关键词】民族意识; 民族认同; 民族关系 【作 者】徐黎丽, 兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心教授, 博士生导师。兰州, 730020 【中图分类号】C955【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1004 - 454X (2005) 02 - 0028 - 005 Discuss the national consciousness having an influence on the national relation xul il i Abstract : The thesis is on the basis of the concept that national consciousness and common national consciousness , as well as analyses the common national consciousness having the positive and adverse in2 fluences on the national relation , emphatically. I believe the positive effect of the common national con2 sciousness , which can enhance national cohesion and promote the sound development of the national rela2 tion , while , it will hinder the development . So the common national consciousness must be limited in a reasonable range , which is the dividing line between the positive effect and adverse effect . We practicing the range are as follows : Firstly , we should distinguish the national members , that is , we should distin2 guish having the st rong wish members and the common wish members on the common national conscious2 ness. Secondly , we should definite whether the st rong wish having adverse effect or not on the nationali2 ty and count ry. Thirdly , we should eliminate the adverse effect , gradually. Lastly , build the social envi2 ronment of national equality and unity in the whole count ry. key word : national consciousness ; national relation 改革开放以来, 随着各民族物质文化的极大丰富, 民族意识不断增长, 人们对民族意识的研究 有增无减。当时普遍有一种观点, 认为民族意识的消极作用会随着各族人民的经济文化生活水平的 普遍改善和提高而减少或消逝。但是, 事实并非如此。进入世纪之交, 各族人民的经济文化生活水 平比改革开放初期成倍提高, 但民族意识, 龙其是民族认同意识普遍越来越强。局部地区的民族认 ·28 · 广西民族研究 2005 年第2 期(总第80 期) 同意识的增长不仅阻碍了民族关系的正常发展, 而且为一部分以分裂祖国为己任的民族败类所利 用。因此加强民族意识对民族关


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