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关键词:隧道; 新奥法; 围岩; 复合式衬砌
With the development of science and technology, social progress, the importance of highway becoming more and more obvious, and as part of the road - the tunnel, for construction and design requirements have become more sophisticated. The design issues for highway tunnels, focuses on the construction of New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM).
The left lane of the tunnel Wujiazhai in Guizhou Liupan Expressway separate one-way traffic for the two-lane tunnel, a total length of the left hand lane 298m, The basic situation of the surrounding rock:Ⅱgrade rock long 155m; Ⅲ grade rock long 90m; Ⅳgrade rock long 53m.
Portal designed wing of the tunnel wall Portal; Tunnel NATM construction, tunnel lining using cmposite lining; tunnel excavation Ⅱ, Ⅲ-class surrounding the use of full-face excavation method, Ⅳ grade level divisions surrounding the use of open digging method, using drill and blast excavation method; tunnel construction methods of supporting small catheter advanced and ahead of grouting bolt; tunnel ventilation for natural ventilation.
After several rounds of the tunnel after the calculation and checking, portal, lining, lighting and ventilation qualified to normal construction.
Key words: tunnel; New Austrian Tunneling Method; rock; cmposite lining
第1章 设计原始资料 1
1.1 采用的技术标准及设计标准规范 1
1.1.1 主要技术标准 1
1.1.2 主要设计标准规范 1
1.2 工程概况 1
1.3工程地质概况 1
第2章 总体设计 3
2.1选址的考虑 3
2.2洞口选择及线形考虑 3
2.3 纵断面设计 4
2.4 横断面设计 4
2.4.1建筑限界 4
2.4.2 紧急停车带及横向通道 5
2.4.3 内轮廓设计 5
第 3 章 洞门设计及强度与稳定性验算 6
3.1 洞口段地质评价 6
3.1.1 六盘水端 6
3.1.2 盘县端 6
3.2 洞门设计 6
3.2.1 洞门类型选择 6
3.2.2 洞门设计 6
第4章 衬砌设计 10
4.1 初期支护 10
4.2 二次衬砌 11
4.3 围岩压力的计算 13