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摘 要 西安地裂缝自1976年唐山大地震后,随着整个华北地块区域地应力的调整,活动速率逐渐增长。当今高速运转的人类工程活动使其活动加剧,超常。其平面分布范围之广,活动强度之大,致灾程度之重,在国内外实属瞩目。这就迫切要求有关部门和城市灾害地质研究者调查分析其活动性特征,探讨其活动规律,提出切实可行的控制地裂缝活动,防治地裂缝灾害的对策。本文通过GPS精密定位和InSAR遥感差分技术对西安地裂缝进行监测和分析,得出了西安地裂缝整体变形现状。通过GPS监测网布设,GPS外业施测和内业数据处理获得的西安地裂缝近期活动与精密水准结果有较好的一致性。根据活动地裂缝造成的形变去相干特征,分析自适应滤波后的差分干涉图的伪相干图,从中提取了监测时间段的地裂缝的位置信息。 地裂缝,GPS,InSAR,变形监测 ABSTRACT Xian city,one of the famous historical cities in China,has been suffering ground fissure historically and even recently,Xian to crack since the 1976 tangshan earthquake, with the north China block area of stress adjustment, activity rate was increased. Todays high speed running the human engineering activities make its activity intensifies, exceed constant. Its plane distribution broad scope, the big, intensity activity of a hazard the extent of heavy at home and abroad, is outstanding. It is an urgent request that the relevant departments and the city hazard geology survey and analysis of the characteristics of the activity, this paper discusses the movement rule, and feasible to crack control activities, to crack the countermeasures of disaster prevention and control. This article through the GPS precision positioning and InSAR remote sensing technology to crack of xian difference for monitoring and analysis, it is concluded that the xian to crack deformation status. Through the GPS monitoring network layout, GPS measurement and in the industry with field data processing of xian to crack for recent activities and precision level results have good consistency. According to the activities of the deformation caused by ground fissures to coherent characteristics, analysis the adaptive filter the difference of interference patterns after false coherent figure, extract the monitoring of the time period to the position information of cracks. KEY WORDS: ground fissure,GPS,InSAR,deformation monitoring 目录 摘 要 1 引言 2 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 地裂缝概述 1 1.1.1 定义 1 1.1.2 简介 1 1.2 国内外发展状况 1 1.3 地裂缝勘查研究方法 2 第二章 西安地裂缝简介 4 2.1 地裂缝和


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