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中 文 摘 要 中文题目:水泥砼路面病害问题的探讨 水泥砼路面是我国公路路面的主要型式之一,在我国公路网构成中占有较大比重。它具有强度高、刚度大、受温度影响小,使用寿命长等优点。但是水泥砼路面接缝较多,对超载较为敏感,容易发生脱空、唧泥、裂缝等早期病害,从而导致路面的破损。所以研究如何治理与预防脱空、唧泥等病害,搞好水泥砼路面的养护,延长公路的使用寿命,改善其通行能力的问题具有十分重要的意义。 在现有砼路面设计理论中,我们把砼板看作是小挠度弹性薄板,其假定条件是面板与地基之间完全接触(不脱空)。同时砼板是一种准脆性材料,抗压强度高、抗弯拉性能差。在正常情况下,面板均匀支撑时,无论荷载的作用位置在何处,应力都比较小。而一旦脱空,板角处由于基础支撑丧失处于悬臂状态,板内将产生过大的应力、剪力,砼板很快便达到极限寿命。水泥砼面板灌浆是通过注浆管,施加一定压力将浆液均匀注入板底空隙、板下基(垫)层中,以充填、渗透、挤密等方式,赶走板底,基层裂隙中的积水、空气后占据其位置,经过人工控制一段时间以后,浆液将原来的松散颗粒或者裂隙胶结为整体,形成一个良好的“结石体”。灌浆改善了板底原有的受力状态,恢复板体与地基的连续性,可以达到加固基础、治理病害的目的。 关键词:脱空分析 灌浆处治 病害分析 预防措施 加固机理 英 文 摘 要 English Title: the problem of the damage of cement concrete pavement Cement concrete pavement in China is the main type of highway pavement in highway network of our country, constitute a large proportion of the.It has high strength, high rigidity, less affected by temperature, long life etc..Cement concrete pavement joints but more to overload, sensitive, prone to void, mud, cracks and other early disease, leading to road damage.So the study of how to control and prevent separation, pumping diseases, do a good job of cement concrete pavement maintenance, prolong the service life of road, to improve its capacity problem has very important significance. In the existing concrete pavement design theory, we give concrete board as small deflection of elastic thin plate, the assumption is the panel and the foundation between full contact (not void).At the same time, the concrete board is a kind of quasi brittle materials, high compressive strength, flexural performance.Under normal circumstances, the panel even support, regardless of the load position where, stress is small.Once the slab, plate corner because the foundation support loss in cantilever state, plate will produce excessive stress, shear, concrete board soon reached the limits of life.Cement concrete grouting is applied through the grouting pipe, pressure slurry injection plate bottom gap will be uniform, Matsushita Ki (PAD) layer, t



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