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摘  要 随着经济的发展,我国与西方国家的经济交流越来越频繁,国际贸易往来、 以及在华投资建企业的外商也越来越多,这就对既懂专业又懂外语的人才需求 量增大。 这体现在国际贸易、会计与金融、商业管理和涉及到经济交流的各个 方面。为了培养与国际化相适应的人才, 我国从上个世纪 80 年代开始引进国 外的教材, 但真正将国外的教育项目引进国内的学校实行双语教学或者全英文 教学是上个世纪 90 年代末期。 本文从目的论角度出发研究财经英语教材的翻译, 结合个人九年来从事英 文会计和其他财经科目教学的实践经验, 根据本人所工作的学校引入的国际课 程项目英国的 LCCI( London Chamber of Commerce and Industry), BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma from Edexcel), GCE A-Level and NCC 所使用的英文教 材对财经英语的翻译特点进行了分析。 本文主要介绍了研究财经英文教材翻译 的重要性,目的和意义;说明了调查研究的背景以及本文所使用的方法和论文的 概要。 在目前的国内教育急于国际化和国际经济的大背景下,研究财经教材翻 译的重要性与日俱增。同时介绍了引进项目所使用的英文教材, 双语教学在中 国的发展,出现的问题,以及目前研究成果和需要解决的问题。对于财经英语 教材中尤其是会计英语术语的翻译问题、 财经英语教材翻译中语序、句子结构 和语义问题以及段落篇章的翻译问题,本文也进行了分析。 最后根据以上的分析应用目的论来解决所存在的问题,并强调了课堂教学中 基本术语和概念纲要中文翻译的重要性, 而文章的整体不需要逐字逐句翻译, 希望对那些正在进行双语教学的财经类课程老师们能有所帮助。 关键词:  财经英语 教材 翻译 目的论 iii Abstract With the economic development, business communication has become more and more frequent between China and western countries. More foreign investors set up enterprises in China, and the demand for talents with both English proficiency and technological knowledge is increasing. It can be found in all economic communication aspects of international trade, accounting and finance and business management. To cultivate international talents, English textbooks were introduced into mainland China in 1980s. It is in the late of 1990s that international education programs were introduced into colleges of China and taught in English or bilingually. This thesis mainly deals with Chinese translation of English financial and business textbooks from the viewpoint of Skopos theory. With my own experience in teaching British Accounting and other financial and business subjects for nine years, and according to the international programs taught in the college I work with such as LCCI( London Chamber of Commerce and Industry), BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma from Edexcel, GCE A-Level and NCC, the textbooks in use. This thesis gives and analysis of Chinese translation features in English financial and business text


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