the Framework for Love.pptVIP

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the Framework for Love.ppt

the Framework for Love Words and phrases Pick out To play a tune on a music instrument slowly without using written music e.g. He picked out the tune on the piano with one finger not much of 不是很好,不怎么样 this much (引出正面的或肯定的话) e.g. I’ll say this much for him –he never leaves a piece of work unfinished drift to do sth without particular plan or purpose (顺其自然,漫无目的) e.g. I didnt intend to be a teacher—I just drift into it 2. to move or go somewhere slowly e.g. She gaze drift around the room have no rivals = be beyond comparison(无与伦比,独领风骚) adj. (only before the noun ) a ~bid /claim /offer 竞争投标/对立的权利要求/竞争出价 ~ sb /sth /(for/in sth)与…相媲美,比得上 同义词:compare with declare state indicate announce 的比较 1.declare (rather formal )to say sth officially or publicly to state sth firmly and clearly to declare war 2. state (rather formal ) to formally write or say sth ,especially in a carefully and clear way e.g. He has state his intention to run for election 3.indicate (rather formal )to state sb in a way that is slightly direct (指明,暗示) 4.a. to tell people information about a decision or plan b. to give information in a public place c. through a loudspeaker to say sth in a loud voice or serious way parallel v与…相似 adj be ~with /to sth ~ line 平行线 ~ograms 平行四边形 ~trend 平行发展趋势 [c] It is possible to draw a line between their experience and ours 在他们的经历和我们的之间找到相似点是可能的。 manipulate control or inflence sth for one’s own purpose 操纵,摆布 Skillfully handle ,control or use sth 操纵,控制,使用 e.g. man has always ~d the circumstances to the best of their advantages 以-ly结尾的形容词 brotherly, costly, cowardly, daily, deadly, earthly, fatherly, friendly, heavenly, homely, jolly, lively, lovely, lonely, manly, motherly, silly, sisterly, ugly, unfriendly, unlikely, womanly, wifely, weekly, yearly, send one’s own spirits soaring upwards 让某人自己热情高涨 give up on 对…不抱希望 fall apart no longer continue肢解,破裂 o


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