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The mechanics of trust A framework for research and design.doc

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The mechanics of trust A framework for research and design.doc

系统工程师(软件) 通信/电信/网络设备 软件架构设计能力 大型软件规划设计经验 UML工具,rational rose 应用工具 顶层设计 C/C++及OOP 无线通信、网络通信、系统集成、导航定位、海事安全、地震遥测、升空平台、数字与射频芯片 软件评测,技术与产品,研制、生产、销售和服务,用户,覆盖,特种领域,以及交通运输、地质勘探, 国民经济,重要领域,产品,荣获国家级荣誉 制造通信精品 世界通信、导航领域,知名企业,全球的视野 Systems Engineer (software) Communication / telecommunications / network equipment Software architecture design capabilities Experience in planning and design of large software UML tools, rational rose Application Tools Top Design C / C + + and OOP Wireless communications, network communications, system integration, navigation, maritime security, seismic telemetry, launch platform, digital and RF chips Software evaluation, technology and products, development, production, sales and service, users, coverage, and special areas, and transportation, geological exploration, National economy, important areas, products, won the national honor Manufacture of communication quality The worlds communications, navigation areas, well-known enterprises, global perspective Mobile Java RMI support over heterogeneous wireless networks: A case study??Original Research Article Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Free/Libre Open Source Software development in developing and developed countries: A conceptual framework with an exploratory study??Original Research Article Decision Support Systems A system of agent-based software patterns for user modeling based on usage mining??Original Research Article Interacting with Computers JavaML: a markup language for Java source code??Original Research Article Computer Networks Access and service convergence over the mobile internet – A survey??Original Research Article Computer Networks Project performance development framework: An approach for developing performance criteria measures for information systems (IS) projects??Original Research Article International Journal of Production Economics Design of a flexible 2-D discrete wavelet transform IP core for JPEG2000 image coding in embedded imaging system


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