Towards a benchmarking statement for biomedical informatics.pptVIP

Towards a benchmarking statement for biomedical informatics.ppt

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Towards a benchmarking statement for biomedical informatics.ppt

Towards a benchmarking statement for biomedical informatics Angharad Pritchard-Copley - medical student UWCM, Cardiff. Elective at St George’s, University of London. Introduction Angharad Pritchard-Copley final year medical student UWCM, Cardiff . Co-authors: Simon de Lusignan (Senior lecturer BMI, St George’s) Ann Rapley (Kingston) Judas Robinson (BMI, St George’s). Background (1) Most developed countries run medical / health informatics courses 3 identifiable curricula formats: Heidelberg-Heilbronn Socio-technical Biomedical informatics model IMIA recommendations…informatics Meth Inform in Med 2000; 39: 267-277 Background (2) Curricula guided by IMIA - academic model No internationally established core competencies No attempt so far at benchmarking Towards a benchmarking statement… Benchmarking Principles of benchmarking Aid learning; academic standards and vocational competencies explicit, widely used. Defined by UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). St George’s / Kingston / Royal Holloway collaboration first full-time course in BMI in UK. Lack of benchmarking guidance – curricula allocate coverage of material rather than defining learning outcomes and competencies. St George’s Biomed Inf Degree course Definition of benchmarking standards A benchmarking standard: Conceptual framework , gives discipline coherence and identity; about intellectual capability and understanding that should be developed, techniques and skills for understanding of that discipline; level of appropriate intellectual demand and challenge. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education UK’s first full-time undergraduate BMI course at: St George’s / Kingston / Royal Holloway St George’s BMI Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding Cognitive (thinking skills) Practical skills Key skills of communication skills, numeracy, ICT Team work Independent learning St. George’


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