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2011 2 15 F eb . 2011
34 4 M oder n Elect ronics T echniqu e V ol. 34 N o. 4
基于Avalon 总线的SD 卡读写控制器的设计
李 欢, 王景存
( , 4300 81)
介绍Altera 公司提出的SoPC 技术, 根据SoP C 系统A valon 总线规范, 设计 一种同时包含 M ast er 和 Slav e 口
的SD 卡读写控制器, 无需CPU 的干预, 并且支持中断, 大大提高了SD 卡的读/ 写速度该设计的核心部分为SD 卡读/ 写时
序控制以及A valon- M M 总线与 Nios Ò 的接口部分该控制器在友晶科技 DE2 开发平台上验证通过, 实现了大数据量的
快速存取, 满足了一般消费类电子需求, 具有较大的应用前景
So PC ; A valon 总线; Nios Ò; IP 核; SD 卡
T N941. 1- 34 A 1004- 37 3X( 20 11) 04- 0023- 03
Design of SD Card RW Controller Based on Avalon Bus
L I Hu an , W AN G Jing- cun
( I nst it ut e o f I nf or mat io n Science and Engineer ing , Wuh an U niv ersity o f Scinence and T echnolo gy, W uh an 4300 81, China)
Abstract T he SoP C techno lo gy pro po sed by A ltera is int rodu ced . A SD card contr oller th at co ntain s both t he M aster and
Slave por t s w as designed according to A v alon bu s sp ecif ication o f So PC sy stem . It suppo rt s the inter ruption but need no t per-
f o rm CP U inter vent ion , so the SD car d RW sp eed is impro ved g reatly. T he cor e technolog ies of the desig n are t he t im e- se-
quence contro l of SD car d RW co ntr oller and the interf ace betw een A valon- M M bu s and Nios I I pro cesso r. T he contro ller w as
validated on DE2 developm ent platf orm of T er asic T echno lo gies and a qu ick access of larg e amount o f data w as realized . It
m eet s the needs of the g eneral electr onic pr oduct s .
Keyw ords SoPC ; Av alo n bu s; N ios II; IP co re; SD car d