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34 1 ELECT RON IC MEASU REMENT T ECHNOLOGY 2011 1 FPGA+ DSP 高 杨 刘荣科 胡 伟 ( 北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院 北京 100191) : , , , , FPGA+ DSP , , 1 280 720, 25 MPEG4 , 5 M ps , : M PEG4; ; ; ; FPGA; DSP : V243. 5 : A Design and implementation of high definition video image system based on FPGA+ DSP Gao Yang Liu Rongke H u Wei ( Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Electronic and Information Engineering Instiiute, Beijing 100191) Abstract: The requirements of video image resolution is ever increasing in the UAV reconnaissance, mapping and other f ields,w hich ring a significant amount of data increase. In addition, the integration of video imaging syst em and t raditional telecontrol and telemetering syst em is required in syst em design consideration. To solve the pro lems a ove, w e design and implement an air orne high definition video image system ased on FPGA+ DSP, including tw o parts: air orne equipment end and ground station end, it supported the maximum resolution of 1 280 720, 25 frames per second in M PEG4 realtime video encoding and decoding w ith the average code rat e elow 5 M ps. Image resolution and video code rate can e switched up y telecommand dynamically .T he video data and telemet ry data are transmitted in the same f rame.T he equipment w ith small size, low pow er consumption, high relia ility , successfully completed flight experiments. Keywords: M PEG4; high definition video; telecontrol; telemetering; FPGA; DSP , 0 , [ 4] , 704 576, ,


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