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词汇结构题型讲解 Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of movies _______ bad for their mental development. A. that is B. which is C. as is D. what are Would you like something _______? A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. for drinking 词汇结构题型讲解 The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _______ the desert. A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover _______ is the population of Paris? A. How many B. How much C. How D. What 词汇结构题型讲解 As the busiest woman there, she made _______ her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town. A. this B. that C. one D. it It was getting _______, he had to stop to have a rest. A. very darker B. dark and dark C. darker and darker D. darkest and darkest 完形填空题型讲解 Did you sleep well last night? Maybe many people will answer: No. In fact, in the world about one in three people do not have good sleep. 31 you say you do not have good sleep, it means waking early and not getting back to sleep, often interrupted short period of sleep, or hours of wakefulness. You 32 get tired, worried, and anxious. Your memory and ability to remember things will be 33 . Then what should you do when you have the trouble? Do not worry about it too much. First, let’s see whether you can sleep yourself. The ways are as follows: 完形填空题型讲解 First, 34 that your bedroom isn’t too cold or too hot. Keep it dark and quiet. Second, check your lifestyle: Do not drink tea, coffee, cola or chocolate four hours before 35 . Drink less liquid so that you can have no or fewer visits to the toilet. Set your body clock well by getting up and going to bed at the fixed time every day. You 36 take any daytime naps. 完形填空题型讲解 Develop a relaxing bedtime habit. Read or 37 music, then take a warm bath. If you really can not sleep, try some bread, rice 38 milk. They will help you fall asleep. Go for a daily walk. Natural light help you to put your body clock into correct habit, 39 do exercise outdoors if y



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