高职高专核心英语综合教程上册Unit 5 Food and Health.ppt

高职高专核心英语综合教程上册Unit 5 Food and Health.ppt

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Answers to Test 高职高专核心英语拓展训练第69页 Part IV Writing 参考作文: December 22nd, 2009 Dear Lily, Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I would love to come. However, I am sorry that I am obliged to decline your kind invitation. The fact is that I will be sent to the airport to meet some foreign guests. And allow me now to send you separately a bunch of flowers. I hope you will accept it as my best wishes for you. Sincerely yours, (Signature) Part IV: Applied Writing Sample Answer 英 菜单 Task 鲜肉 时蔬 红烧肉 麻婆豆腐 回锅肉 家常豆腐 粉蒸肉 清炒大白菜 鱼香肉丝 干煸萝卜丝 糖醋排骨 鱼香茄子 宫保鸡丁 炒土豆丝 美鱼 靓汤 砂锅鱼头 黄瓜肉片汤 豆瓣鲫鱼 番茄蛋汤 熘鱼片 肚片汤 椒盐明虾 红枣银耳汤 Better teaching, better learning! * * * * * * * * * * Direction: Listen to the following five short dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. A. Vegetables. B. Fruit. C. Clothes. D. Books. 2. A. It is not delicious. B. It is not tasty. C. It is not fresh. D. It is not tender. 3. A. $70.4. B. $14.7. C. $17.4. D. $14. Ex1:Dialogue Answers Part II: Listening Practice Click the link A D C Direction: Listen to the following five short dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. 4. A. Manager and secretary. B. Waitress and customer. C. Lecturer and student. D. Host and guest. 5. A. She won’t dine out. B. She agrees to dine out. C. She hates dining out. D. She hesitates about dining out. Ex1:Dialogue Answers Part II: Listening Practice Click the link B B Direction: Listen to the 2 conversations twice. After each conversation, there are questions. Both the conve


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