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论中国心理学家的研究心态 ——在超个人心理学上,中国人怎样才能有所贡献? 北京林业大学人文学院心理系(100083)朱建军 摘要:本文着重探讨的是,在把中国传统文化的资源转化为人本和精神心理 学的科学知识的过程中,研究者的心态会有什么影响。我认为中国的心理学家在 研究的心态中存在的问题主要有:追随西方心理学“主流”,鄙视超个人心理学, 心态的根源是自卑。严格依从旧的“科学”方法,心态的根源是胆怯。热衷向西 方人介绍,但是不深入研究,心态的根源是投机。故做玄虚,片面强调“悟”、 “不可言说”等,心态的根源是自负。急切于建立本土心理学,但是画地为牢, 心态的根源是焦虑。我们应面对西方不比较,既不急于独立、不急于求其接纳、 也不急于超越。踏踏实实研究,平等心态交流。尽力形成良好的学术讨论氛围, 促进更多的交流、合作、相互支持和建设性的争论。 关键词:研究心态、超个人心理学、本土 A Statement about Chinese Psychologists’ Research Attitudes ——how could the Chinese make a contribution to transpersonal psychology Abstract: The paper lays a strong emphasis on the researchers’ psychological and mind changes in the process of transforming Chinese traditional culture resources into the scientific knowledge of humanistic and spiritual psychology. The author thinks that the main mind problems in the process of research are the followings: one is to tail after the western psychological mainstream and despising transpersonal psychology, the root of which is inferiority; one is to comply with the obsolete so-called scientific methods inflexibly, the root of which is timidity; one is to be wild about introducing our culture to the west without in-depth research , the root of which is speculation; one is to be deliberately mystifying, such as one-sided emphasis on “insight” and unspeakable, the root of which is conceit; one is to try to create our local psychology impatiently but being restricted to a designated area, the root of which is anxiety. Facing the west, neither overanxious for independence or for acceptance of the west, nor overanxious to surpass the west is advisable. We should do the research without ostentation and peacefully communicate with others. Moreover, what we should do is to create a favorable academic phenomenon, serving to promote much more communication, cooperation, mutual suppo


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