后天 中英文剧本 .doc

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后天 中英文剧本 .doc

The Day After Tomorrow 后天 中英文剧本 你看清楚怎么做了吗? You see how its done? 是啊,我想我找到窍门了 Yeah, I think I got the hang of it. 你最好能行,如果把冰芯搞砸了老板会把我的脑袋拧下来 You better. The boss will chew my head offif these cores get messed up. 别担心 Dont worry. 我们钻到26英尺深了 Were at 26 feet. 你让詹森一个人去操作钻探机? You let Jason operate the drill? 嗯,他能行的 Yeah, he can handle it. 我什么都没做 I didnt do anything. 把你的手伸给我!别管钻探机了! Give me your hand!Let go of the drill! 别管了,杰克! 太晚了! Forget it, Jack! Its too late! 你办不到的! Youre not gonna make it! 杰克! Jack! 杰克! 把你的手给我! Jack! Give me your hand! 我抓到你了! Ive got you! 你刚才在想什么呢? What were you thinking? - 这是怎么回事?- 整个冰架裂开了! -Whats happening?-The whole damn shelf is breaking off! 就是这样 Thats whats happening! 我们发现了10,000年前,灾难性的气候迁移的证据 We found evidence of a cataclysmic climateshift, which occurred 1 0,000 years ago. 新德里,联合国全球气候变暖会议 这些温室效应气体在冰芯中的聚集... The concentration of these naturalgreenhouse gases in the ice cores... ...显示出气候失控性的变暖把地球推向冰川时代... ...indicates that runaway warmingpushed Earth into an ice age... ...而这一直持续了两个世纪 ...which lasted two centuries. 我被你搞糊涂了 Im confused. 我还以为你是在讨论全球变暖问题而不是冰川时代 I thought you were talking aboutglobal warming, not an ice age. 是,有点自相矛盾,但是全球变暖能够导致气候冷却的趋势。我来解释一下 Yes, it is a paradox, but global warming cantrigger a cooling trend. Let me explain. 北大西洋暖流直接影响北半球气候 The Northern Hemisphere owes its climateto the North Atlantic Current. 来自太阳的热量到达赤道后再由洋流传送到北方 Heat from the sun arrives at the equatorand is carried north by the ocean. 但是全球变暖正在融化极地的冰川而这干扰了这个洋流 But global warming is melting the polarice caps and disrupting this flow. 最后它会慢慢停下来到那时候... Eventually it will shut down.And when that occurs... ...我们温暖的天气就消失了 ...there goes our warm climate. 对不起,你认为这情形什么时候会发生呢教授?什么时候? Excuse me. When do you think thiscould happen, professor? When? 我不知道,也许100年也许1000年,但是我知道... I dont know. Maybe in 1 00 years,maybe in 1 000. But what I do know is... ...如果我们不很快采取行动,我们的子孙后代会为此付出代价 ...that if we do not act soon, our childrenand grandchildren will have to pay the price. 那谁将会为京都协定书


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