Module3 Sporting life课件.ppt

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* * Module3 Sporting life Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold. Name: Sex: Place of birth: Birthday: Height: Body weight: Project: Talk something about Liu Xiang Liu Xiang Male Shanghai 1983.7.13 188 cm 74 kg the high jump , 110 m hurdles Look at picture and the title of the passage . Say what you know about Liu Xiang and how he became a sporting hero. advise ask choose compare encourage help medal notice overnight success record set up symbol train Reading and vocabulary Talk something about the pictures . Read the passage and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea. Complete the time line with the notes . Read the passage and choose the sentences which best expresses the main idea. Liu Xiang ________. A. was helped by his sports school to become a gold metal winner. B. will be encouraged to be a star and not a sporting hero C. has trained for many years, and will continue to win medals. C Find the important phrases in the text 建立 首先 一夜成名 金牌获得者 继续做 set up first of all an overnight success a gold medal winner Continue to do sth。 鼓励做... 邀请做… 选…做 要求…做 用…做 encourage to dosth. invite …to do sth. be chosen to do sth. be asked to do sth. used to do sth. 出生 全世界 开始 和…比较 确保 be born all over the world start doing compare with make sure 被邀请参赛 被选中代表中国 录制唱片 be invited to competitions be chosen to represent China record music 既然 众所周知 被鼓励做某事 一个……的标志 now that be well known be encouraged to do sth. a symbol of… 有规律地训练 被邀请拍广告 建立 train regularly be asked to appear in the advertisements set up 把……和……相比较 争取更多奖牌 国际110米栏 compare … with… go for more medals international 110m hurdles 代表中国参加奥运会 出现在广告里 开始的时候 represent China at the Olympic Grames appear in the advertisements at first 跨栏技能 运动明星 训练计划 世界级110米跨栏比赛项目 skill at hurdling sports stars training programme inte


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