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第 卷第 期 黄 冈 职 业 技 术 学 院 学 报 8 4 Voi . 8 No .4 年 月 2006 12 Journai of Huanggang Poiytechnic Dec .2006 ! 手机后壳的注塑模具设计 费 飞 (无锡机电高等职业技术学校 江苏 无锡 214028) 摘 要:以手机后壳注塑模具设计为例,介绍了注塑模具的设计方法和流程。首先根据塑件材料及工 艺特性用MOLDFLOW 软件对零件进行模流分析,然后选择注塑机并确定型腔数目,接着确定成形方案:总 体结构设计、分型面设计、浇注系统设计、脱模机构设计、冷却系统设计等。最后进行注塑机工艺参数校 核,包括注射量、锁模力、注射压力、模具厚度和注射机闭合高度等方面。该设计方法对其它不同结构产品 的注塑模具设计有一定的参考价值。 关键词:结构;模流分析;模具 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: ( ) TN929 . 53 A 1672 - 1047 2006 04 - 0076 - 06 Design of injection mould for mobile phone battery cover Fei Fei ( ) Wuxi Higher Mechanical and Electronical and Prof essional and Techenical School Wuxi 214028 Jiangsu : , , Abstract Chosen the mobiie phone battery cover paper introduced the method of the injection mouid design . Firstiy based the usage , , materiai category and the craft characteristic an anaiysis is carried out by software of MOLDFLOW . Secondiy seiect the right injection ma- chine and fix the number of cavity . Then, , , , make the shape scheme this is contained totai structure design dividing a design for face , , , sprinkiing to note the system design take off design and cooi system design . Finaiiy check the parameters of design inc


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