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第24 卷第5 期 岩 土 力 学 Vol.24 No.5 2003 年10 月 Rock and Soil Mechanics Oct. 2003 文章编号 1000 7598 (2003) 05―0804―05 扩底后注浆桩的现场试验研究与分析 郭全全 李 珠 太原理工大学 建筑与环境工程学院 山西 太原 030024 摘 要 结合某工程的桩基现场静载荷试验和桩身应力测试 对比分析了同一场地中相同桩长的普通钻孔灌注直桩 后注 浆灌注直桩 扩底灌注桩和扩底后注浆灌注桩 4 种桩型的承载力特性 桩身轴力和桩侧摩阻力的分布特性 阐述了扩底后 注浆桩的桩身轴力传递规律和侧阻力发挥性状 研究表明 扩底后注浆桩有沉降小 单桩承载力高的特点 具有良好工程 性状和经济效益 关 键 词 扩底后注浆灌注桩 扩底 后注浆 桩身轴力传递 侧阻力发挥性状 中图分类号 TU 473 文献标识码 A Experimental research and analysis of cast-in-place piles with expanded-base and post-grouting GUO Quan-quan, LI Zhu ( College of Civil and Environment Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China ) Abstract: Static vertical loading tests and stress tests of four types of piles, that is, the normal cast-in-place pile, the cast-in-place pile with post-grouting, the cast-in-place pile with expanded-base, the cast-in-place pile with expanded-base and post-grouting, are performed in the same site. Based on the field experiments, compares the bearing capacity behavior, the distribution of axial force and lateral friction of the four types of piles. And transmission rule of axial force and the action of lateral friction of the piles is analyzed. The results of researches prove that the cast-in-place piles with expanded-base and post-grouting possess the characteristics of low settlement and high bearing capacity. Key words: cast-in-place pile with expanded-base and post-grouting; expanded-base; post-grouting; transmission of axial force; action of lateral friction 1 前 言 互补的基础上 提出了一种新的灌注桩型 扩底


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