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AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 21:1837–1840, November/December 2000 Case Report Selective Neuronal Necrosis Associated with Status Epilepticus: MR Findings Suleyman Men, Donald H. Lee, Jane R. Barron, and David G. Mun˜oz Summary: We present the MR imaging findings in an au- peutic level, 350–700 mol/L); his rectal temperature was topsy-proven case of selective neuronal necrosis involving 41.9C, and he still had generalized tonic-clonic seizures. He the entire left cerebral hemispheric cortex, left thalamus, continued to have right-sided focal motor seizures. Because he did not respond to benzodiazepines and valproic acid, he was and contralateral cerebellum following a period of status intubated and anesthetized with profopol, which finally con- epilepticus. Imaging findings include diffusion abnormality trolled his seizures approximately 24 hours after admission. on diffusion-weighted images and increased intensity on On the 2nd day of admission, he became oliguric and then T2-weighted images in the above-mentioned regions of the anuric, with a serum creatinine level of 400 mol/L (normal, brain. 62–120 mol/L). Because medical therapy of his acute renal failure failed to reestablish any urine output, early hemodial- ysis was


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