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* Invasive squamous carcinoma of cervix in vascular channel. The presence of tumor cells within the lumen of a capillary-like space is evidence for aggressive growth potential in squamous carcinoma of the cervix and has been correlated with increased risk for regional lymph node metastasis. * In the upper fundus of the uterus protruding into the endometrial cavity is a nodule that proved to be a leiomyoma. Thus, this is a submucosal leiomyoma. (Multiple) Seen here are submucosal, intramural, and subserosal leiomyomata of the uterus. * Here is the microscopic appearance of a benign leiomyoma. Normal myometrium is at the left, and the neoplasm is well-differentiated so that the leiomyoma at the right hardly appears different. Bundles of smooth muscle are interlacing in the tumor mass. * * FIGO grade I endometrial carcinoma. Well-differentiated endometrial cells from glandular structures are seen, which are cribriform in this case. There are no solid masses of tumor cells (hematoxylin-eosin stain). * FIGO grade II endometrial adenocarcinoma. The tumor consists of moderately well-differentiated malignant glands, with areas of solid tumor interspersed with glandular tumor elements (hematoxylin-eosin stain). * FIGO grade III adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. The tumor consists of solid sheets of malignant cells with no attempt to form glandular structures (hematoxylin-eosin stain). 镜下: 瘤细胞与正常子宫平滑肌细胞相似 瘤细胞的特点:核排列较密集,不规则束状或编织状排列; 核长杆状,两端钝圆,染色质纤细 Uterine leiomyoma is a benign connective tissue tumor of the smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. Tumor cells resemble normal cells (elongated, spindle-shaped, with a cigar-shaped nucleus) and form bundles with different directions (whirled). The tumor is well circumscribed, but not encapsulated. 良、恶性之间的区别取决于三个标准: 分裂像 细胞异型性 浸润 肿瘤核分裂像在最活跃区大于15个/10 HPF,有细胞异型性、坏死及浸润者为恶性。 子宫平滑肌肉瘤 (Leiomyosarcoma) This is a leiomyosarcoma protruding from myometrium into the endometrial cavity of


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