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Cancer Stem Cells Cancer Stem Cells What are Stem Cells? Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Leukemia Stem Cells. Mammary Stem Cell and Breast Cancer Cells Cancer Stem Cells in Solid Tumors. The Stem Cell Niche. Implication of Cancer Stem Cells in Cancer Treatment. Stem Cells Stem cells have two defining attributes: The capacity for self-renewal. The ability to differentiate into many different cell types. Two most important classes of stem cells: Embryonic stem cells Adult stem cells Totipotent, Pluripotent and Multipotent A multipotent cell can give rise to multiple cell types, but restricted to a single germ layer (e.g mesenchymal) or to a specific sublineage (e.g. hamatopoietic lineage). Most adult stem cells belong to this category. A pluripotent cell is able to give rise to derivatives of all three germ layers. (e.g. embryonic stem cell). A totipotent cell can produce an entire organism—only a zygote and a blastomere from a 2-cell stage embryo belongs to this category. Boundary of these definitions are often blurry. Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells Embryonic Stem (ES) Cells Derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst. A blastocyst is a hollow ball of cells formed 4-6 days after a human egg is fertilized. Adult Stem Cells Many adult tissues have stem cells. The most well studied are the blood stem cell (hematopoietic stem cell or HSC) and the neural stem cell (NSC). Recently, it was discovered that an adult stem cell from one tissue may act as a stem cell for another tissue, i.e. blood to neural. (…but there are controversies about the role of cell fusion in this process). Adult Stem Cells Have Been Found in Many Tissues Cancer Stem Cells Adult or Embryonic Stem Cells that turn malignant? Malignant Cells that display “stem-like” property? Properties shared by normal stem cells and cancer stem cells Assymetric Division: Self renewal Tissue-specific normal stem cells must self-renew throughout the lifetime of the animal to maintain specific organs Cancer s


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