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双夹心酶联免疫法检测生物样品中的人源化抗体MIL50 作者: 邬一凡, 贾培媛, 武军华, 周建平, 李海霞, 吕明, WU Yi-fan, JIA Pei-yuan, WU Jun-hua, ZHOU Jian-ping, LI Hai-xia, LMing 作者单位: 邬一凡,WU Yi-fan(军事医学科学院基础医学研究所,北京 100850; 上海交通大学医学院 ,上海 200025), 贾培媛,武军华,周建平,李海霞,JIA Pei-yuan,WU Jun-hua,ZHOU Jian- ping,LI Hai-xia(军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京,100850), 吕明,LMing(军事医学 科学院基础医学研究所,北京,100850) 刊名: 军事医学 英文刊名: Military Medical Sciences 年,卷(期): 2013(11) 参考文献(20条) 1.Olsnes S;Kozlov JV Ricin[外文期刊] 2001(11) 2.Binder P;Attre O;Boutin JP Medical management of bi-ological warfare and bioterrorism:place of the immunoprevention and the immunotherapy 2003(5-6) 3.Bigalke H;Rummel A Medical aspects of toxin weapons 2005(3) 4.Bradberry SM;Dickers KJ;Rice P Ricin poisoning 2003(1) 5.Olsnes S The history of ricin,abrin and related toxins 2004(4) 6.Audi J;Belson M Ricin poisoning.A comprehensive review 2005(18) 7.Stechmann B;Bai SK;Gobbo E Inhibition of retrograde transport protects mice from lethal ricin challenge 2010(2) 8.Lemley PV;Wright DC Mice are actively immunized after pas-sive monoclonal antibody prophylaxis and ricin toxin challenge 1992(3) 9.Lemley PV;Amanatides P;Wright DC Identification and char-acterization of a monoclonal antibody that neutralizes ricin toxicity in vitro and in vivo 1994(5) 10.Beaumelle B;Alami M;Hopkins CR ATP-dependent transloca-tion of ricin across the membrane of purified endosomes 1993(31) 11.Thomas RJ Receptor mimicry as novel therapeutic treatment for biothreat agents 2010(1) 12.Hu WG;Yin J;Chau D Humanization and characterization of an anti-ricin neutralization monoclonal antibody 2012(9) 13.Jia PY;Wang YX;Yu M An organophosphorus hapten used in the preparation of monoclonal antibody and as an active immunization vaccine in the detoxication of soman poisoning 2009(1) 14.武军华;魏文清;贾培媛 竞争性ELISA方法测定小鼠组织的p53蛋白[期刊论文]-国际药学研究杂志 2011(


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