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2008 年第 5 期
微特电机 T 理论研究
PWM 死区对永磁同步电动机低速运行性能的影响
史敬灼 ,石 静
( )
河南科技大学 ,河南洛阳 471003
摘 要 : 电动机驱动控制中 , PWM 死区引起绕组电流波形畸变 ,增大电动机输出转矩和转速脉动 。电动机转速
越低 , PWM 调制深度越小 ,死区影响越显著 。从输出电压波形 、输出合成电压矢量两个方面 ,对电动机低速运行情况
下 PWM 死区的影响进行了细致分析 ,指出死区导致逆变器输出电压矢量波动 ,直接影响电动机低速运行性能。
关键词 :永磁同步电动机 ;驱动 ; PWM ;死区
中图分类号 : TM 341 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 : 1004 - 7018( 2008) 05 - 0005 - 05
Study on the Influence of D ead - T im e for L ow - Speed PM SM D r ive
SH I J ing - zhuo, SH I J ing
(H enan U n iversity of Science and Techno logy, Luoyang 47 1003, Ch ina)
Ab stract: PWM techno logy has been w idely u sed in motor drive system s. To avoid the short - circu it condition, dead -
tim e mu st be added to the PWM driving p u lse s. The addition of dead - tim e increa sed the harmon ic of outpu t vo ltage, and
m ade the waveform of w inding curren t more badly. The ripp le of motor torque and sp eed wa s also increa sed by the addition
of dead - tim e. The influence of dead - tim e wa s more rem arkab le wh ile the motor sp eed wa s low , and so, greatly influence
the low - sp eed work ing ab ility. The influence of dead - tim e for low - sp eed motor drive wa s analyzed in detail. The undu la
tion p henom ena in the motion of outp ut voltage - vector, wh ich affected the motor’s low - sp eed p erform ance directly, was in
Key word s:p erm anen t m agnet synchronou s motor; drive; PWM ;