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大庆油田工程设计技术开发有限公司 Daqing Oil Field Engineering Design and Research Company 工程名称:西气东输管道计量测试中心工程 Work Name:WEPP Metering Calibration Center Engineering 档案号File No.:检-329 编号Technical Spec. No: Location:Nanjing Total:pages; Page 1 2004-12-28 SIEMENS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR ON LINE GAS CHROMATOGRAPH 在线气相色谱仪 技术规格书 Rev.0 Final最终 A 版 次Version 说 明Instruction 编 制 Prepared 校 对Checked 审 核 Reviewed 审 定 Approved 项目负责人 Project manager 核 准 Verified 日期 Date 本文件由大庆油田工程设计技术开发有限公司发布,仅适用于西气东输管道计量测试中心工程。 This document issued by Daqing Oil Field Engineering Design Company (DOD), is only applicable to WEPP metering and calibration center work. CONTENTS目 录 1 overview概述 3 2 Reference documents参考文件 4 2.1 Standards and Specifications标准及规范 4 2.2Technical Documents技术文件 5 3 technical requirements技术要求 5 3.1 Gas Chromatograph气相色谱分析仪 6 3.2 Sampling System取样系统 7 3.3 Sample Processing System样气处理系统 7 3.4 Analysis Cabin分析小屋 7 4 minimum requirements for technical documents in bid投标中技术文件的最低要求 7 5 acceptance test验收试验 7 5.1 Factory Acceptance Test工厂验收试验 7 5.2 On Site Acceptance Test现场验收试验 7 6 assurance guarantee保证和担保 7 7 Spare parts/articles备品备件 7 8 training and technical service培训和技术服务 7 1 overview概述 This technical specification is a special specification designated for the online gas chromatograph, and shall be applicable to the WEPP metering and calibration center and only stipulates the minimum technical requirements for the gas chromatograph and its accessories. The General Technical Specification for Instrumentation and Control System (XQ-JL-CS-JG-0001) shall be followed with regard to the overview of the work and the detailed descriptions of surrounding conditions of the center, transmission medium characteristics, general technical features of meters, request for goods to be supplied and method of supply, metric unit, markers, factory test, site test, packaging and transportation, quality assurance and trainin


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