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Chapt er 1 Chapt er 2 Chapt er 3 Chapt er 4 Chapt er 5 Chapt er 6 Chapt er 7 Chapt er 8 Chapt er 9 Chapt er 10 Chapt er 11 Chapt er 12 Chapt er 13 Chapt er 14 Chapt er 15 Chapt er 16 Chapt er 17 Chapt er 18 Chapt er 19 Chapt er 20 Chapt er 21 Chapt er 22 Chapt er 23 Chapt er 24 Chapt er 25 Chapt er 26 Chapt er 27 Chapter 1   IT is my considered view t hat no one can invent fict iona charact ers wit hout first having made a engt hy st udy of peop e, j ust as it is impossib e for anyone t o speak a anguage t hat has not been proper y mast ered.   Since I am not yet of an age t o invent , I must make do wit h t e ing a t a e.   I t herefore invit e t he reader t o be ieve t hat t his st ory is t rue. A t he charact ers w ho appear in it , wit h t he except ion of t he heroine, are st i iving.   I wou d furt her add t hat t here are re iab e wit nesses in Paris for most of t he part icu ars w hich I bring t oget her here, and t hey cou d vouch for t heir accuracy shou d my word not be enough. By a singu ar t urn of events, I a one was ab e t o writ e t hem down since I a one was privy t o t he very ast det ai s wit hout w hich it wou d have been quit e impossib e t o piece t oget her a fu and sat isfying account .   It was in t his way t hat t hese part icu ars came t o my know edge.   On t he 12t h day of March 1847, in t he rue Laffitt e, I happened upon a arge ye ow not ice announcing a sa e of furnit ure and va uab e curios. An est at e was t o be disposed of , t he owner having died. T he not ice did not name t he dead person, but t he sa e was t o be he d at 9 rue dAnt in on t he 16t h, between noon and five oc ock.   T he not ice a so st at ed t hat t he apart ments and cont ents cou d be viewed on t he 13t h and 14t h.   I hav


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