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毕业设计 题 目 的设计与实现 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二〇一三年月日 Internet网络的日益普及,我国及世界各大院校都已建立了自己的校园网。实习学生以班级年级为单位的原始手工报送选题方式已不能适应时代发展需求, 所以基于互联网的综合实习管理系统也就随之诞生了。 综合实习管理系统就是能够使实习学生通过互联网完成综合实习课题的选定,它采用Web方式,适用于局域网和,等功能,并能保存、等功能该系统拥有开放的题库管理系统和灵活的系统,能够自动系统管理员、种权限介绍并详细论述了系统设计思想和实现方法步骤从而为以后的研究打下基础。 ABSTRACT With the rise of the global information technology, especially the growing popularity of the Internet network, our country and the worlds major institutions have set up their own campus network. Student interns to the class as a unit of the original hand grades submit topics manner can not meet the development needs of the times, it is a comprehensive Internet-based practice management system along with it was born. Comprehensive practice management system that enables the student is completed via the Internet comprehensive internship topic selected, it uses Web mode for LAN and Internet, and it is to achieve the audit issues, rights management, information exchange and other functions, and can provide preservation issues, issue queries and other functions, the system has an open and flexible database management systems Selection System that can automatically determine the conduct of permissions. The system uses JSP technology as the main technology, using multi-level role management: including system administrators, experts, teachers and students of several privileges. This paper describes the users rights division, and discusses in detail the system design and implementation method step, so as to lay the foundation for future research study. Key words: Competence; Multi-level role management; Reporting; Audit; Topics 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1引言 3 1.1综合实习管理系统出现的趋势 3 1.2综合实习管理系统常用的实现技术 3 2基本技术简介 4 2.1本系统拟采用的解决方法(技术) 4 2.2主要技术简介 4 2.2.1JSP技术 4 2.2.2JDBC技术 5 3需求分析与方案设计 7 3.1功能需求分析 7 3.2数据库需求 7 3.3系统支撑环境 8 4系统设计 9 4.1 功能设计 9



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