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when comes to amimals, there can be many differences between Chinese and English!!! we may take Dog, Rat,Dragon and tiger as our examples Rat Mouse we have Rat,we see it as the animal which hates the light, slink(偷偷摸摸), cower(东躲西藏) we have In Chinese “狗”字的成语往往带有贬义,dog在英语中是中性偏褒的 类似替代: when we do the translation 有眼无珠 as blind as a bat Cultural differences 在中国我们用牛来耕地, 在西方国家用的却是马,所以 汉语中一般用牛来形容力气大; 而英语中要用horse, 如, He is as strong as a horse。 吹牛 talk horses 沾沾自喜 play the peacock (孔雀) Dragon Click to edit title style Click to edit title style 驴子(ass) Another similarities cultural characters * Mouse there are big differences between rat and mouse in the western countries, however, in China, we take mouse as a kind of disgusting animal, just as sick as a mouse as slient as a mouse 形容 非常安静 mouse and man 芸芸众生 mouse potato 电脑迷,鼠标土豆;整天趴电脑前的胖子 in English Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text Your Text 2005 2006 2007 2008 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. And never tell the truth in English 浑身湿透(象落汤鸡 pack rat 不可靠的人,有敛癖的人 smell a rat 感到不妙;感到有可疑之处 无意义的竞争 rat race rat like a drowned rat sad dog 易闯祸的人 ; 放荡的人 ; 荡的人易闯祸的人 ; 放荡之人 In Chinese dog days 三伏 ; [气候] 三伏天 lucky dog 幸运儿 ; 耳朵大有福 ; 幸运狗 ; 是“幸运儿 狗急跳墙 狗尾续貂 狗血喷头 狗仗人势 狗彘不若 狗拿耗子 狗皮膏药 狗头军师 乳狗噬虎 蝇营狗苟 狼心狗肺 狐朋狗友 狗盗鼠窃 行同狗彘 飞鹰走狗 斗鸡走狗 打落水狗 狗马之心 help a dog over a still(助人度过难关) , a lucky dog (幸运儿) , an o ld dog (老手) , love m e, love m y dog (爱屋及乌) Cultural differences: 在中国传统文化中,老虎被认为是“百兽之王” 而在英语文化中担任这个角色的却是狮子,请看下面的比较(注意两者不完全对等,但含义相仿): 虎口拔牙beard the lion (拔狮子的胡子)   狐假虎威 ass in the lions skin (披着狮子皮的驴)   拦路虎 a lion in the way (拦路狮)   摸老虎屁股 twist the lions tail (拨弄狮子尾巴)   虎落平阳被犬欺 Hares may pull dead lions by the bear. (兔子也敢摸死狮子的胡子) In western countries cruel Hard fierce Text in here Text in here Text in here Text in here Text in here Text in here Text in here Text in here Co


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