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毕业论文 大润发柳北店物流配送模式研究 学 院 管理学院 专 业 物流管理 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 黄坚 苏巧玲 二〇一三年五月二十日 摘 要 随着我国加入WTO,以及网络零售的发展壮大,实体连锁超市零售业竞争日趋激烈,对小批量、多品种、多批次的物流配送模式提出要求。因此,合理的物流配送运作能力成为连锁超市经营成功的关键,也是提高连锁超市业竞争力的基础和连锁超市高质量运营的保障。怎么样提高连锁超市的物流配送运作能力,是目前国内连锁企业思考的问题,而物流配送作为连锁经营最重要的一环出现在人们的视线中。 本文以大润发柳北店为研究对象,通过对该连锁超市的物流运作现状,特别是物流配送模式进行了认真细致的调查、分析和研究,发现了大润发在物流配送方面存在的问题,然后分别运用矩阵图决策法和层次分析法来探讨大润发目前的物流配送模式是否符合大润发更进一步的发展,以及针对在实习期间发现的问题尝试着提出一些改进建议,对大润发的物流配送模式进行进一步的改进和优化,期望能为大润发柳北店找到合适自身发展的配送模式,为提高现有配送水平方面提供有价值的参考。 关键词:连锁经营,配送模式,矩阵图决策法,层次分析法 Abstract In chain retail industry increasingly fierce competition, the supermarket chain logistics distribution of goods put forward many varieties, small batch, batches, timely new requirements on time, therefore, efficient logistics system operation ability become the supermarket chain management is the key to success, it is also to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, foundation and supermarket chains operating with high quality guarantee. How to improve the logistics of supermarket chains operation ability, thinking about the present domestic chain enterprises, and logistics distribution as part of a chain operation is the most important appeared in the line of sight of people. Based on RT Liubei store as the research object, through to the supermarket chain logistics development present situation, especially in the logistics distribution mode has carried on the investigation, analysis and research seriously, found that RT-mart in logistics distribution problems, using the analytic hierarchy process to explore the logistics distribution mode of RT-mart is conformed to the RT-mart further development, and in view of the problems discovered during my internship in trying to put forward some suggestions for improvement, to RT-mart for further improvement and optimization of logistics distribution mode for RT Liubei store to fin


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