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摘要 本设计用AT89C51系列的高速单片机作为主控制模块,利用简单的外围电路来驱动64×16的点阵LED显示屏。同时,也可在嵌入式系统软件硬件设计仿真平台Proteus基础上设置了16×16LED点阵汉字显示电路。使用AT89C51系列的高速单片机本身的功能,很方便的实现单片机和PC机之间的数据存储及传输,一方面可利用软件进行显示内容的多样化,另一方面点阵可显示屏,广泛的应用于医院、机场、银行等公共场所,所以本设计具有很强的实际应用性。 LED显示屏可用动态扫描的方式同时显示4个16×16点阵汉字,也可通过上位机软件修改显示的内容和显示的效果等等。把字符内码存储在空闲的单片机程序存储器空间,使本LED显示系统能掉电存储1024个字符。设计中采用了SPI接口的GB2312标准字库,支持所有的国字符和ASCII标准字符的显示。因为采用串行传输方式,所以使本系统的可扩展性得到提升,有利于多个显示单元的级联。通过汉字字模点阵数据的生成软件进行,实现汉字点阵的效果,同时应用汇编语言对单片机进行了控制性的操作。也完成了实物电路,并在Proteus软件基础上对结果仿真,得到了汉字点阵效果图。 动态显示 单片机 点阵字库 Abstract This design with AT89C51 series of microprocessor as the main control module, use the periphery of the simple circuit to drive the 64 x 16 matrix LED display. At the same time, also can be in embedded system software and hardware design simulation platform based on Proteus set 16 × 16 of LED dot matrix characters display circuit. Use the microprocessor itself AT89C51 series of function, very convenient realize between SCM and PC of data storage and transmission, on the one hand, can use software showing the contents of the diverse, on the other hand bitmap can display, widely used in hospitals, airports, Banks and other public places, so this design which is of great practical application. The LED display dynamic scanning way can also showed four 16 × 16 dot matrix characters, can also be through the PC software modify the content of the show and show the effect of the and so on. The character encoding stored in free microcontroller program memory space, make the LED display system can power lost storage 1024 characters. Applied to the design of the interface standard GB2312 SPI dictionaries, support for all of the countries and ASCII characters of characters that standard. Because the serial transmission way, so that the system scalability get promoted, be helpful for more display unit cascade. Through the Chinese characters font dot matrix of data generated software, achieve the effect of dot matrix characters, and application of the MCU assembly lan




