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-- Were you at school yesterday ? -- Yes, I was. -- Were you at the office last night ? -- No, I wasn’t. I was at home. -- Where were you last Sunday ? -- I was at church. New patterns 一般过去时态 There be (某处有某物) There is--- There are--- There was There were on the . There is There are some books 书架上 有一本书。 书架上 有一些书。 bookshelf a book yesterday There ____ a book on the bookshelf. ( is was ) was yesterday There ______ some books on the bookshelf. ( are were ) were There be 单:There is a/ an … 复:There are some … 单:There was a/an … 复:There were some … 一般现在时 一般过去时 There was an apple on the table . yesterday There were some apples on the table . yesterday There was a student in the classroom . last Sunday There were some students in the classroom . last Sunday There was a car on the street this morning. There were some cars on the street . this morning be 动词口诀 There was a big car race in 1995. There was not a big car race in 1995. 变否定,be后要把 not加上去, 变疑问,一提二改三问号。 Was there a big car race in 1995? Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t. * LOTUS 莲花 莲花品牌是英国绅士柯林.查普曼的杰作。战后数十年间,这位英国工程师的名字对世界汽车运动影响巨大。他统领下的莲花车队自1958年以来先后7次在F1赛车中夺冠,并创出了多种名垂青史的优秀车型。查普曼从零开始,在汽车运动的狂热驱使下,亲手制造自己所心仪的赛车,进而在汽车制造与竞赛两方面都创造了辉煌业绩。这可算世界汽车史上最美的一段佳话。 lotus GTE Aston Martin 阿斯顿.马丁 阿斯顿.马丁是知名汽车品牌。加速性能优异是阿斯顿.马丁跑车的最大特点,从静止启动加速到时速100公里,仅需6秒。提到阿斯顿.马丁就会想到007詹姆斯.邦德的传奇故事,似乎阿斯顿.马丁的出名要归功于007。虽然英国车总是带有保守和固执的绅士风格,但阿斯顿.马丁的每一种款式却总是久负盛名,毫无过时之感。车标为一只展翅飞翔的大鹏,分别注有阿斯顿、马丁英文字样。喻示该公司象大鹏一样,具有从天而降的冲刺速度和远大的志向。 Aston Matin DBS Aston Matin DBS Aston Matin DBS ` Honda Mazda Buick Daewoo volkswagen Ferrari Fiat Toyota Ford Skoda Peugeot Citroen Lexus BMW BENZ Bentley Mini Hyundai KIA AUDI Lincoln Rolls Royce NISSAN Words year race town crowd stand exciting just finish winner behind way 单词学习