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Sheet3 填写模板 单词表 Spelling Bee 单词题库 序号 单词 音标 词性 汉语意思 英文解释 例句 halting [?h?:lt??] adj. 1.?跛的;蹒跚的 2. 踌躇的;迟疑不决的 3. 软弱无力的;不完善的 1. disabled in the feet or legs; a crippled soldier; a game leg 2. fragmentary or halting from emotional strain; uttered a few broken words of sorrow speak in a halting way postpone [?pust?pun,p?sp?n] vt. 1.延期; 推迟;展缓 1. hold back to a later time; lets postpone the exam They postponed leaving because of the weather. embrace [imbreis] vt. vi. 1.拥抱,抱. 1. the act of clasping another person in the arms The young lovers embraced. charm [t?ɑ:m] n.vt. n.魅力, 吸引力 vt. 使高兴, 使着迷; 吸引 使中魔法, 1. attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates; his smile was part of his appeal to her The witch charmed the prince. rarely [?r??li] adv. 不常, 很少地, 难得地 . not often; we rarely met She rarely went anywhere except to her office. restless ] [?restlis,?restl?s] 焦躁不安的, 不安静的 2.不得休息的 3. 坐立不安的;不耐烦的 4.没有真正休息的;没有睡眠的 1. unable to relax or be still; a constant fretful stamping of hooves; itchy for excitement; a restless child 2. worried and uneasy3. ceaselessly in motion; the restless sea; the restless wind 1He looks like a restless man.2.He has been very restless all day and he awoke nearly all last night. trunk [tr??k] n. 1.树干2.衣箱 3.象鼻 1. the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber 2. luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage The boy could be seen with his legs wrapped around the trunk. stain [stein] vt. vi. vi.1.(使)染色2.褪色, 变污 vt. 1.玷污,败坏(名声) 1. a soiled or discolored appearance; the wine left a dark stain2. (microscopy) a dye or other coloring material that is used in microscopy to make structures visible He stained the wood brown. 他给木头涂上了褐色。 raid [red] n


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