七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Lesson 27 Amazing Englings课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Lesson 27 Amazing Englings课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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* I Love Learning English Book 2 Unit 5 冀教版 七年级下册 Lesson 27 English-speaking countries in the world Do you know any English speaking countries? What are they? How many languages can you speak? The U.K. America New Zealand Canada Singapore India letter [‘let?] n.字母 Exactly [?g’z?ktli:] adv. 精确地/正确地 fact [f?kt] n. 事实;真实的事物 sentence [‘sent?ns]n. 句子 quick [kwik] adj. 快的;迅速的 lazy [‘leizi]adj. 懒惰的 even [‘i:v?n]n. 甚至;还;其实 dig [dig] v. (dug/dug)挖;掘 New Words Page 71 Let’s Do It! Part 1 1. English is an easy language to learn. 2. The word “therein” has ten words in it. 3. There are about 800 000 words in the English language. 4. One word can’t be a sentence. 5. There is an English word with 1 900 letters in it. 1. Is it easy to learn English? 2. How many words in English? 3. How many words are used by common English-speaking people? No, not exactly. About 800 000. 15 000. Amazing English A: amazing: adj. 令人惊奇的;使人诧异的, 多与物连用。 eg: What amazing news! I like reading amazing stories. B: amazed: adj. 感到惊奇的,觉得惊讶的,多与人连用。 eg: We were amazed at his rapid recovery. C: amaze: v. 使大为惊奇,使惊愕 eg: He amazed me by suddenly getting married. 1. In fact, there are about 800 000 words in the English language. in fact 其实; 事实上 in fact可作状语或表语, 可单独使用,既可用于书面也可用于口语中。 e.g. In fact, I think you’re right. 事实上, 我认为你是对的。 2. There is an English word with more than 1900 letters in it . more than = over 超过,多于 I read more than 100 pages today. 我今天读了100多页。 He is more than 70 years old. 他70多岁了。 3. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 这只敏捷的棕色狐狸从那只懒狗身上跳过。 在以前的打字机时代, 打字机维修工们每当擦拭和调试好机器后, 都要检查打字机印出的字母是否清晰, 但一个一个字母地打上去显得又麻烦又慢, 所以他们总结出了一句包含26个英文字母的最短句子, 每次只要用打字机打出这句话就能检查打字机的字迹是否清晰了。 4. The words “therein” has ten words in it. 单词“therein”里有10个单词。 例如:I、the、there、he、her、 here、then、in、thin、ten、 therein… 5. You don’t even n



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