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题 目: 邯郸市涉县关防乡宋家村村庄规划 院 系: 资源与环境系 专 业: 资源环境与城乡规划管理 班 级: 2009级 姓 名: 宋星星 学 号: 20090802030 指导教师: 冯晓淼 2013 年 05 月 19 日 邯郸市涉县关防乡宋家村村庄规划 【摘要】2012年11月8日,胡锦涛同志代表第十七届中央委员会向中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会作了题为《坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进?为全面建成小康社会而奋斗》的报告,报告指出,解决好农业、农村、农民问题是全党工作的重中之重,要坚持走中国特色农业现代化道路,并要把推动城乡发展一体化作为解决“三农”问题的根本途径。宋家村是邯郸市涉县关防乡的一个小山村,在住房建设、道路广场建设、公共设施建设、基础设施建设、以及生产建设等村庄建设中存在诸多问题,以至于宋家村的自然资源和人文资源优势无法发挥,阻碍了宋家村各项事业的发展。新农村建设,规划要先行,村庄规划是社会主义新农村建设的重要组成部分,对新农村发展的全局和长远大计有重要影响。通过对宋家村进行比较系统的村域和村庄建设规划。到规划期末,使宋家村成为一个公共设施完备,基础设施齐全的社会主义新农村,从而改善村民生活环境,促进宋家村经济发展。 【关键词】宋家村 村庄规划 新农村 Village planning of Handan City She County Songjia Village 【Abstract】 November 8, 2012, Comrade Hu Jintao on behalf of the Seventeenth Central Committee to the 18th Chinese Communist Party National Congress was entitled unswervingly advance along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a comprehensive well-off society struggle, the report pointed out that the solution of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is a top priority of the partys work, we must adhere to the path of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, and should promote the integration of urban and rural development as a solution to the three rural question a fundamental way. Song Handan Shexian Guan Village is a small village against village, in housing construction, construction of roads and squares, public facilities, infrastructure, and the production of building construction in the village there are many problems, so Song villages natural resources and cultural resources can not play, hindering the development of various undertakings Song Village. New rural construction, planning to advance, village planning the construction of a new socialist countryside is an important part of the new global and long-term rural development plans have a major impact. By comparison system Soong village fields and villages of the village construction planning. The planning period, the Song Village to become a public


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