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河西走廊特色农业发展研究 提 要 我国农业主要农产品已经基本达到需求量与供给量的大体平衡,并且丰年有余。随着人们生活水平的提高,人们食品结构也发生了变化,副食、肉食和水果比例不断的提高,所以,改变长期以来单一的粮食种植,转变农牧产品结构、优化品种、提高质量、增加农业生产的比较效益,大力发展特色农业成为我国农业发展的主要方向。河西走廊在汉代进行开发以来,成为我国重要的农业灌溉区和商品粮基地。但随着我国农业发展的要求和人们对农牧产品需求的变化,以及国际农业发展的宏观背景,必须适应我国农牧发展的基本要求,不断发展特色农业,这对河西走廊农业的可持续发展具有重大的意义。 近年来,河西走廊依靠具有丰富的土地草地资源、适宜的气候条件、良好的特色产业基础使特色农业得到了长足的发展。但水资源短缺、自然灾害严重、区位劣势、生态环境恶化也成为发展特色农业严重的制约。为了使区内特色产业健康发展,必须从建立合理的产业定位及布局、加快农业体制机制创新、加强特色农业基地建设、拓宽农业投融资渠道、强化农业科技支撑、促进农业精深加工等方面采取措施。                           关键词:河西走廊 特色农业 潜力及对策 阳关模式 Summary Animal husbandry of our country farming the main agricultural products have basically reached the demand and supply and the general balance, good year is superabundant. With the improvement of peoples living standard, people food structure has also changed, non-staple food, meat and fruit ratio continues to increase, so, change the long-standing single grain cultivation, transformation of farming herd product structure, optimize breed, improve quality, increase farming animal husbandry production compares beneficial result, develop characteristic farming animal husbandry energetically become me the main direction of the development of our country agriculture. Hexi Corridor in the Han Dynasty developed since, become our countrys important commodity grain base and agricultural irrigation area. But along with the our country farming animal husbandry development and the people to the farming and animal husbandry products demand changes, and the international agricultural development in the macro background, must get used to our country agriculture and animal husbandry development of the basic requirements, and constantly develop characteristic agriculture in the Hexi Corridor, the farming and animal husbandry sustainable development is of great significance. In recent years, relying on the rich land of Hexi Corridor grassland resources, appropriate climate condition, good characteristics


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